Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 221 - Clerks, Attorneys and Other Officers of Judicial Courts
Section 34e - Members, Terms; Executive Director; Legal Advisors; Volunteer Legal Assistance Program; Information Program; Procedures; Funds

Section 34E. The justices of the supreme judicial court shall appoint a mental health legal advisors committee consisting of fourteen attorneys, four of whom shall hold office for a term of four years, four for a term of three years, three for a term of two years and three for a term of one year. Upon completion of each such term of a member of said committee, his successor shall be appointed for a term of four years. The unexpired portion of any term which becomes vacant shall be filled by the justices of the supreme judicial court. Members of said committee may be removed by the justices of the supreme judicial court. No member of the committee shall receive any compensation for his services, but each member shall be reimbursed for actual traveling expenses incurred by him in attending the committee meetings. The membership of the committee shall contain a practicing attorney or attorneys from each of the mental health regions of the Commonwealth. The committee shall annually appoint and may at any time remove an executive director who shall be compensated from funds available therefor.
Any practicing member of the bar of the commonwealth who wishes to serve as a mental health legal advisor shall submit his name, office address and telephone number to the committee, which shall compile a list of all such names submitted, dividing the names into groups of lawyers practicing within each of the mental health regions of the commonwealth. Said list shall be updated quarterly. Said list of mental health legal advisors shall be circulated by the committee to the district courts and municipal courts of the commonwealth and to the department of mental health. The committee shall annually establish and approve a fee schedule for such services as shall be performed by the mental health legal advisors and said mental health legal advisors shall upon certificate of the judge appointing him be compensated in accordance therewith for services performed for an indigent patient. No question of whether representation is authorized under this section shall be considered in, or affect the final disposition of, any proceeding in which a person is represented by the committee or a member of its staff. A litigant in such a proceeding may refer such question to the chair of the committee, who shall review the matter in consultation with other committee members, dispose of the question promptly, and take appropriate action.
It shall be the duty of the committee to develop a program of volunteer legal assistance. Such program shall utilize the participation of attorneys, professional and nonprofessional aides and all other groups who offer their services on a voluntary basis, to assist and advise indigent patients and residents in Bridgewater state hospital and all other mental health and intellectual disability facilities of the commonwealth concerning their legal rights. Said volunteers may, subject to the approval of the committee, interview and examine all pertinent records of any such patient or resident. In addition, the committee shall appoint such clerical or other nonprofessional staff assistants as may be necessary to carry out the duties of the committee.
It shall be the duty of the committee to conduct a continuing program of information with regard to the legal rights of patients and residents at all mental health and intellectual disability facilities in the commonwealth, which information shall be circulated to said patients and residents and their relatives, to the employees of the department of mental health, the members of the bar of the commonwealth and to anyone requesting such information. In addition, such information shall be made available to the public at large.
Upon petition of an indigent patient or resident in Bridgewater state hospital or any other mental health or intellectual disability facility, private or public, or the legal guardian or a relative or a friend of such patient or resident, to any district or municipal court of the commonwealth, such court shall appoint from the list circulated of mental health legal advisors, a lawyer, practicing in the same or an adjoining mental health region as that in which the court is situated, to advise such patient of his legal rights and to represent such patient.
A mental health legal advisor so appointed may examine all records pertaining to such patient or resident, including the records of the department of mental health and the department of correction or any other agency of the government of the commonwealth or any other institution operated by the commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof or any hospital situated in the commonwealth. In addition, such advisor may make all necessary inquiries as he deems proper for the carrying out of his duties.
A mental health legal advisor shall be compensated for legal services performed for an indigent patient by the mental health legal advisor's committee in accordance with the fee schedule established by the mental health legal advisors committee as provided for herein.
The committee shall be eligible for federal funds and may accept gifts, donations, grants, contributions or appropriations, which may be received from any source, public or private, to be held, used or expended for any purpose related to the duties of the committee and, in the case of a grant, in accordance with the terms and conditions of such grant. The committee may enter into contracts to provide or receive services with any federal or state entity, with any group or individual, whether for profit or non-profit, or with any voluntary or charitable group, association or organization including any bar association or foundation. Any such donations, funds, contributions or grants shall be deposited in the Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee Trust.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases

Title I - Courts and Judicial Officers

Chapter 221 - Clerks, Attorneys and Other Officers of Judicial Courts

Section 1 - Clerk of Court for Commonwealth; Appointment; Term, Etc.

Section 2 - Duties

Section 3 - Election of Clerks; Term

Section 4 - First Assistant Clerks; Appointment

Section 5 - Assistant Clerks; Appointment

Section 5a - Assistant and First Assistant Clerks; Practice of Law

Section 6a - Superior Court for County of Middlesex; Equity Clerk

Section 6b - Superior Court for County of Essex; Equity Clerk

Section 6c - Superior Court for County of Essex; Criminal Proceedings Clerk

Section 6d - Superior Court for County of Norfolk; Criminal Proceedings Clerk

Section 6e - Superior Court for County of Worcester; Equity Proceedings Clerk

Section 6f - Superior Court for County of Worcester; Criminal Proceedings Clerk

Section 6g - Superior Court for County of Middlesex; Criminal Proceedings Clerk

Section 6i - Superior Court for County of Plymouth; Equity Proceedings Clerk

Section 6j - Superior Court for County of Plymouth; Criminal Proceedings Clerk

Section 6k - Superior Court for County of Hampden; Equity Proceedings Clerk

Section 6l - Superior Court for County of Hampden; Criminal Proceedings Clerk

Section 6m - Superior Court for County of Bristol; Criminal Proceedings Clerk

Section 6n - Superior Court for County of Bristol; Civil Proceedings Clerk

Section 6o - Superior Court for County of Bristol; Equity Proceedings Clerk

Section 7 - Deputy Assistant Clerks

Section 8 - Temporary Clerks

Section 9 - Temporary Assistant Clerks; Manner of Appointment

Section 10 - Temporary Clerk; Appointment by Court

Section 11 - Oath of Clerk

Section 12 - Bonds of Clerks

Section 13 - Assistant Clerk; Notice to Secretary of State of Vacancies

Section 14 - General Duties of Clerks

Section 15 - Supreme Judicial Court in Suffolk; Duties of Clerk and Assistant Clerk

Section 16 - Superior Court in Suffolk; Duties of Clerk

Section 16a - Unified Session Clerk; Designation

Section 17 - Facsimile of Signature of Clerk; Signature of Assistant Clerk

Section 18 - Affidavits in Court Proceedings

Section 19 - Duty to Forward Notices of Appeal, etc., to Attorney General

Section 20 - Rescripts, Notice Of

Section 22 - Orders of Notice; Power of Clerk to Issue

Section 23 - Alphabetical List of Parties

Section 26 - Physicians or Unregistered Practitioners Convicted of Crimes; Clerk to Report Convictions to Board of Registration in Medicine

Section 27 - Extension of Papers on Record

Section 27a - Obsolete or Useless Papers; Disposition, Destruction or Storage

Section 28 - Records; Duty of Clerk to Exhibit

Section 29 - Records; Duty of Justices to Inspect

Section 30 - Forfeiture of Bond

Section 31 - Misconduct in Office; Liability

Section 32 - Fees; Duty of Clerks to Account

Section 33 - Assistant Clerk; Duties

Section 34a - Establishment; Purpose; Membership; Term

Section 34b - Reports to Governor; Rules of Practice and Procedure

Section 34c - Compensation; Clerical Expenses

Section 34e - Members, Terms; Executive Director; Legal Advisors; Volunteer Legal Assistance Program; Information Program; Procedures; Funds

Section 35 - Appointment; Statements of Financial Interest

Section 36 - Examinations for Admission to Bar; Eligibility; Board Expenses

Section 36a - Admission to the Bar; Educational Requirements of World War II Veterans

Section 37 - Petition for Examination for Admission to the Bar; Fees

Section 38 - Oath of Office

Section 38a - Aliens; Petitions and Examinations

Section 39 - Attorneys From Sister States; Conditions for Admissions

Section 40 - Removal; Grounds; Expenses

Section 41 - Unauthorized Practice of Law; Solicitation of Business; Penalty

Section 42 - Standing of Attorneys; Records

Section 43 - Claims for Damages; Solicitation Prohibited

Section 44 - Disqualification for Violation of Sec. 43

Section 44a - Employees of Hospitals or Other Medical Institutions; Communication With Attorney Concerning Personal Injury Cases

Section 44b - Copies of Sec. 44a; Furnishing to Hospitals; Posting

Section 45 - Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs and Constables; Practice of Law Prohibited

Section 46 - Practice of Law by Corporations; Prohibition; Exception

Section 46a - Practice of Law; Persons Authorized

Section 46b - Jurisdiction to Restrain Violation of Sec. 46, 46a or 46c

Section 46c - Furnishing Services to Debtor in Debt Pooling Plan; Unauthorized Practice of Law

Section 46d - Credit Counseling Corporations, Applicability of Secs. 46 to 46c

Section 48 - Prosecution or Defense of Own Suits; Restriction

Section 50 - Attorney's Lien for Fees; Enforcement

Section 50a - Discharge of State or Political Subdivision From Liability for Attorney's Lien

Section 50b - Claims; Summary Determination

Section 51 - Failure to Pay Client's Money; Penalty

Section 52 - Disqualification of Attorney to Act in Suits Previously Decided by Him

Section 53 - Masters in Chancery

Section 54 - Completion of Business on Expiration of Commission

Section 55 - Compensation of Masters, Etc.

Section 57 - Masters; Appointment

Section 58 - Masters; Hearings; Reports; Judgment

Section 59 - Auditors; Discharge by Court

Section 61 - Masters; Compensation and Travel Expenses

Section 62 - Reports of Masters

Section 62a - Masters; Death or Incapacity; Compensation

Section 62b - Clerks of Courts as Magistrates

Section 62c - Magistrates; Powers and Duties

Section 63 - Appointment; Tenure

Section 64 - Preparation of Reports; Time of Publication

Section 64a - Printing or Publication in Electronic Format and Sale of Reports of Decisions of Supreme Judicial and Appeals Courts; Advertisement for Bids; Award and Execution of Contracts; Performance Bond

Section 65 - Style of Reports

Section 66 - Opinions; Duration and Manner of Keeping

Section 67 - Deputy Reporter

Section 68 - Compensation of Reporter

Section 69 - Number; Compensation for Attendance

Section 69a - Court Officer Appointments and Removals; Security of John Adams Courthouse

Section 70 - Appointment; Security of John Adams Courthouse

Section 70a - Court Officers; Performance of Police Powers and Duties

Section 71 - Chief Deputy Sheriff for Suffolk, Middlesex and Hampden; Chief Court Officer for Hampden, Norfolk and Worcester Counties

Section 71a - Assistant Chief Court Officers in Suffolk County

Section 72 - Tenure

Section 73 - Compensation in Suffolk County Land Court and Probate Court

Section 73b - Compensation in Suffolk County Supreme Judicial Court and Appeals Court

Section 75 - Deputy Sheriffs and Constables; Compensation

Section 76 - Administrative Assistant and Messengers in Suffolk County; Appointment; Compensation; Duties

Section 76a - Superior Court in Suffolk County; Assistant Messenger

Section 77 - Premiums on Official Bonds; Payment

Section 78 - Supreme Judicial Court in Suffolk County; Service of Venires; Bond

Section 79 - Witnesses; Summoning in Suffolk and Worcester; Expenses

Section 80 - Uniforms of Court Officers

Section 81 - Double Compensation Prohibited

Section 82 - Appointment of Stenographers in Superior Court

Section 83 - Temporary Stenographers; Fees

Section 86 - Stenographer for Grand Jury; Appointment; Custody of Notes; Costs

Section 87 - Duties of Stenographers; Regulations

Section 88 - Furnishing Transcripts of Notes; Fees

Section 89 - Clerical Assistants

Section 90a - Services Rendered Outside Appointing County; Compensation; Statement

Section 91 - Superior Courts; Compensation of Stenographers

Section 91b - Employment of Stenographer by Defendant; Admissibility of Transcripts of Notes; Application of Section

Section 91c - Appointment of Stenographer in Civil Cases Before Auditor or Master; Admissibility of Transcripts

Section 91d - Court Reporters; Practices; Contracts

Section 92 - Appointment of Interpreters; Compensation

Section 92a - Interpreters for the Deaf or Hearing-Impaired; Court Proceedings; Arrests; Admissibility of Evidence; Fees and Expenses; Privileged Communications

Section 93 - Supreme Judicial Court; Salaries of Clerks

Section 94 - Manner of Payment; Salaries of Clerks and Assistant Clerks

Section 99 - Traveling Expenses

Section 100 - Temporary and Assistant Clerks; Salaries

Section 101 - Salaries as Full Compensation

Section 102 - Clerical Assistance