Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 114 - Cemeteries and Burials
Section 33 - Right of Husband to Interment

Section 33. A husband shall have the same rights in the tomb or burial lot of his wife as a wife has in that of her husband.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVI - Public Health

Chapter 114 - Cemeteries and Burials

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - Organization of Cemetery Corporations

Section 1b - Cemetery Corporations; Liability of Directors, Officers or Trustees

Section 2 - Powers and Duties of Cemetery Corporations

Section 2a - Cemetery Corporations; Disclosure; Penalty

Section 3 - Cemetery Corporations; Records of Conveyances of Burial Lots

Section 3a - Cemetery Corporations; Ownership of Unclaimed Graves; Reuse of Occupied Graves

Section 4 - Cemetery Corporations; Certified Copies of Recorded Deeds and Instruments; Evidence

Section 5 - Cemetery Corporations; Trust Funds

Section 5a - Cemetery Corporations; Burials; Designated Funeral Director

Section 5b - Cemetery Corporations; Notification of Certain Options for Burial Services; Penalty

Section 5c - Cemetery Corporations; Fiduciary Duty Owed to Contributors to Trust Fund

Section 6 - Cemetery Corporations; Cremation

Section 7 - Formation and Organization of Crematory Corporations

Section 8 - Crematory Corporations; Acquisition and Holding of Land in Fee

Section 9 - By-Laws and Regulations of Cemetery and Crematory Corporations; Conduct of Business; Violations

Section 10 - Town Burial Places

Section 10a - Municipality Ownership of Unclaimed Graves; Reuse of Occupied Graves

Section 11 - Public Cemeteries; Taking of Land for Burial Purposes; Application to County Commissioners

Section 12 - Public Cemeteries; Taking of Land for Burial Places; Hearing Notice

Section 13 - Public Cemeteries; Adjudication by Commissioners; Taking

Section 14 - Public Cemeteries; Compensation of Commissioners Acting Under Petition to Take Land for Burial Place

Section 15 - Appropriation for Enclosing and Improving Public Cemetery; Sale or Conveyance of Burial Rights; Disposition of Proceeds

Section 16 - Appropriation for and Care of Public Cemeteries

Section 17 - Preservation of Ancient Burial Places

Section 18 - Care of Neglected Burial Places Within Limits of Town

Section 19 - Deposits for Care and Improvement of Burial Places or Lots; Records; Investment of Deposits

Section 20 - Public Cemeteries; Depositing Funds With State Treasurer; Copy of Instrument; Notice to Town or City Clerk

Section 21 - Public Cemeteries; Investment of Funds; Interest

Section 22 - Town Board of Cemetery Commissioners; Election of Members

Section 23 - Board of Cemetery Commissioners; Powers and Duties

Section 24 - Board of Cemetery Commissioners; Conveyance of Burial Lots; Record; Fee

Section 25 - Board of Cemetery Commissioners; Gifts or Bequests for Cemeteries; Investment of Funds; Disposition of Proceeds of Sales of Lots or Burial Rights

Section 26 - Board of Cemetery Commissioners; Limit of Debts or Liabilities; Annual Report

Section 27 - Appointment of Board of Cemetery Commissioners; Powers and Duties

Section 28 - Conveyance of Cemetery Lots or Interest in Lots in Trust for Preservation as Memorial; Rights of Heirs of Owner; Control Over Lot or Interest in Lot

Section 29 - Indivisible Character of Cemetery Lots; Vesting; Limitations and Conditions; Right of Interment; Designation of Representation of Lot; Record

Section 30 - Hearing as to Representation of Cemetery Lot or Tomb

Section 31 - Descent of Family Cemetery Lot to Heirs

Section 32 - Right of Person to Interment; Release

Section 33 - Right of Husband to Interment

Section 34 - Use of Land for Burial; New Cemeteries or Extensions; Approval of Board of Health; Description of Land

Section 35 - Lands to Be Used for Burial; Approval

Section 36 - Use of Cemeteries; Appeal From Order of Board of Health; Hearing

Section 37 - Use of Cemeteries; Regulations by Local Boards of Health; Notice

Section 38 - Closing of Tombs, Burial Ground or Cemetery; Hearing; Notice

Section 39 - Owner of Tomb; Appeal From Order of Board of Health

Section 40 - Use of Cemeteries; Jury Trial; Rescission of Order; Costs and Double Costs

Section 41 - Laying Out or Constructing Public Ways In, Upon or Through Burial Places; Authority

Section 42 - Passage Through Cemeteries

Section 42a - Visitation Hours of Cemeteries

Section 42b - Commercial Use of Cemeteries; Consent; Penalties

Section 43 - Buildings Upon Burial Places

Section 43a - Ownership, Maintenance and Operation of Cemeteries; Private Profit

Section 43b - Sale of Cemetery Lots and Plots for Speculative Purposes

Section 43c - Disposition of Proceeds of Sales of Cemetery Lots and Plots; Liquidation of Indebtedness

Section 43d - Location of Community Mausoleums; Exceptions

Section 43e - New Community Mausoleums; Plans and Specifications; Approval; Construction

Section 43f - Community Mausoleums; Construction; Supervision

Section 43g - Use of Community Mausoleum Prior to Completion; Care and Improvement Fund

Section 43h - Sale of Community Mausoleum Prior to Completion

Section 43i - Removal of Bodies Constituting Menace to Public Health

Section 43j - Permanent Care and Improvement Fund for Community Mausoleums

Section 43k - Custodian of Fund; Administration and Investment

Section 43l - Abating or Enjoining Nuisance

Section 43m - Permanent Disposition of Dead Bodies or Remains

Section 43n - Penalties; Violations of This Chapter

Section 43o - Sale of Monuments for Cemetery Lots by Cemetery Corporations

Section 44 - Cremation of Bodies

Section 44a - Receptacles for Cremated Remains; Caskets

Section 45 - Burial Permits; Permits for Removal of Bodies; Certificates of Death; Deceased Veterans

Section 45a - Funeral Director's Name Used in Connection With Death Certificate or Burial Permit

Section 46 - Permit for Burial of Bodies Brought Into Commonwealth; Certificate; Recording

Section 46a - Veterans; Burial; Affidavit; Veteran Graves Officer

Section 47 - Certificates for Burial, Removal or Cremation; Indorsement of Coupon Accompanying Permit; Record

Section 48 - Cremation; Certificates for Burial

Section 49 - Licensing of Funeral Directors; Revocation or Suspension; Hearing; Fees; Permits

Section 50 - Penalty; Violations of Secs. 44 to 48

Section 51 - Embalming Fluid