Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 20 - Department of Food and Agriculture
Section 32 - Agricultural Inspection and Infrastructure Trust Fund

Section 32. There shall be established and set upon the books of the commonwealth an Agricultural Inspection and Infrastructure Trust Fund, consisting of: (i) fee revenues from apiary inspections under sections 32 and 35 of chapter 128, poultry inspections under section 124 of chapter 94, registration of animal rescue and shelter operations under section 39A of chapter 129 and registration of pesticide companies; (ii) interest or investment earnings on such monies; and (iii) all other monies credited or transferred to the fund by law.
The commissioner shall be the trustee of the fund and may expend monies in the fund without further appropriation for programs and costs related to the following: (1) sections 32 to 38, inclusive, and sections 64 and 65 inclusive of chapter 128; (2) the integrated pest management program established in chapter 132B and in chapter 85 of the acts of 2000; (3) spay and neuter programs and animal rescue and shelter programs established under section 139A of chapter 140; (4) poultry testing programs established in 330 CMR 5.00 seq; and (5) the Agricultural Innovation Center.
Any unexpended balance in the fund at the end of the fiscal year, not to exceed $200,000, shall not revert to the General Fund but shall remain available for expenditure in subsequent fiscal years. No expenditure made from the fund shall cause the fund to become deficient at any point during a fiscal year.
[The Department of Environmental Management was changed to the Department of Conservation and Recreation by 2008, 451, Sec. 33.]

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 20 - Department of Food and Agriculture

Section 1 - Department; Board of Agriculture; Membership; Meetings; Commissioner of Agricultural Resources; Board Consultation, Review and Comment on Proposed Policies and Regulations

Section 2 - Compensation of Commissioner

Section 3 - Powers and Duties of Commissioner

Section 4 - Assistant Commissioner

Section 5 - Compensation and Traveling Expenses of Assistant Commissioner

Section 6 - Organization; Divisions and Bureaus; Directors and Other Personnel

Section 6a - Intern Scholarship Program

Section 6b - Equine Advisory Committee; Members; Terms

Section 6c - Massachusetts Food Policy Council

Section 19 - Appeal

Section 22 - Non-Development Covenants

Section 23 - Program to Assist in Acquisition of Agricultural Preservation Restrictions

Section 24 - Agricultural Lands Preservation Committee

Section 25 - Annual Report of Agricultural Lands Preservation Committee

Section 26 - Property Tax Assessment of Land Under Agricultural Preservation Restrictions

Section 27 - Farm Viability Technical Assistance and Implementation Funding

Section 28 - Linked Loan Program; Definitions Applicable to This Section and Sec. 29

Section 29 - Farm Capital Linked Loan Fund

Section 30 - Massachusetts Dairy Promotion Board; Membership; Assessment and Collection of Fee Upon Milk Delivered by Producers; Audit

Section 31 - Dairy Promotion Trust Fund

Section 32 - Agricultural Inspection and Infrastructure Trust Fund