Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 184 - General Provisions Relative to Real Property
Section 31 - Restrictions, Defined

Section 31. A conservation restriction means a right, either in perpetuity or for a specified number of years, whether or not stated in the form of a restriction, easement, covenant or condition, in any deed, will or other instrument executed by or on behalf of the owner of the land or in any order of taking, appropriate to retaining land or water areas predominantly in their natural, scenic or open condition or in agricultural, farming or forest use, to permit public recreational use, or to forbid or limit any or all (a) construction or placing of buildings, roads, signs, billboards or other advertising, utilities or other structures on or above the ground, (b) dumping or placing of soil or other substance or material as landfill, or dumping or placing of trash, waste or unsightly or offensive materials, (c) removal or destruction of trees, shrubs or other vegetation, (d) excavation, dredging or removal of loam, peat, gravel, soil, rock or other mineral substance in such manner as to affect the surface, (e) surface use except for agricultural, farming, forest or outdoor recreational purposes or purposes permitting the land or water area to remain predominantly in its natural condition, (f) activities detrimental to drainage, flood control, water conservation, erosion control or soil conservation, or (g) other acts or uses detrimental to such retention of land or water areas.
A preservation restriction means a right, whether or not stated in the form of a restriction, easement, covenant or condition, in any deed, will or other instrument executed by or on behalf of the owner of the land or in any order of taking, appropriate to preservation of a structure or site historically significant for its architecture, archeology or associations, to forbid or limit any or all (a) alterations in exterior or interior features of the structure, (b) changes in appearance or condition of the site, (c) uses not historically appropriate, (d) field investigation, as defined in section twenty-six A of chapter nine, without a permit as provided by section twenty-seven C of said chapter, or (e) other acts or uses detrimental to appropriate preservation of the structure or site.
An agricultural preservation restriction means a right, whether or not stated in the form of a restriction, easement, covenant or condition, in any deed, will or other instrument executed by or on behalf of the owner of the land appropriate to retaining land or water areas predominately in their agricultural farming or forest use, to forbid or limit any or all (a) construction or placing of buildings except for those used for agricultural purposes or for dwellings used for family living by the land owner, his immediate family or employees; (b) excavation, dredging or removal of loam, peat, gravel, soil, rock or other mineral substance in such a manner as to adversely affect the land's overall future agricultural potential; and (c) other acts or uses detrimental to such retention of the land for agricultural use. Such agricultural preservation restrictions shall be in perpetuity except as released under the provisions of section thirty-two. All other customary rights and privileges of ownership shall be retained by the owner including the right to privacy and to carry out all regular farming practices.
A watershed preservation restriction means a right, whether or not stated in the form of a restriction, easement, covenant or condition, in any deed, will or other instrument executed by or on behalf of the owner of the land appropriate to retaining land predominantly in such condition to protect the water supply or potential water supply of the commonwealth, to forbid or limit any or all (a) construction or placing of buildings; (b) excavation, dredging or removal of loam, peat, gravel, soil, rock or other mineral substance except as needed to maintain the land and (c) other acts or uses detrimental to such watershed. Such watershed preservation restrictions shall be in perpetuity except as released under the provisions of section thirty-two. All other customary rights and privileges of ownership shall be retained by the owner, including the right to privacy.
An affordable housing restriction means a right, either in perpetuity or for a specified number of years, whether or not stated in the form of a restriction, easement, covenant or condition in any deed, mortgage, will, agreement, or other instrument executed by or on behalf of the owner of the land appropriate to (a) limiting the use of all or part of the land to occupancy by persons, or families of low or moderate income in either rental housing or other housing or (b) restricting the resale price of all or part of the property in order to assure its affordability by future low and moderate income purchasers or (c) in any way limiting or restricting the use or enjoyment of all or any portion of the land for the purpose of encouraging or assuring creation or retention of rental and other housing for occupancy by low and moderate income persons and families. Without in any way limiting the scope of the foregoing definition, any restriction, easement, covenant or condition placed in any deed, mortgage, will, agreement or other instrument pursuant to the requirements of the Rental Housing Development Action Loan program or the Housing Innovations Fund program established pursuant to section three of chapter two hundred and twenty-six of the acts of nineteen hundred and eighty-seven or pursuant to the requirements of any program established by the Massachusetts housing partnership fund board established pursuant to chapter four hundred and five of the acts of nineteen hundred and eighty-five, including without limitation the Homeownership Opportunity Program, or pursuant to the requirements of sections twenty-five to twenty-seven, inclusive, of chapter twenty-three B, or pursuant to the requirements of any regulations or guidelines promulgated pursuant to any of the foregoing, shall be deemed to be an affordable housing restriction within the meaning of this paragraph.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title I - Title to Real Property

Chapter 184 - General Provisions Relative to Real Property

Section 1 - Rights of Aliens

Section 2 - Conveyance of Land Subject to Contingent Remainder, Executory Devise or Other Estate in Expectancy

Section 3 - Contingent Remainders; Taking Effect; Limitations

Section 4 - Land Held in Fee Tail; Liability for Debts of Tenant in Tail

Section 5 - Conveyance Vesting Life Estate and Remainder to Heirs

Section 6 - Interpretation of Words Importing Want or Failure of Issue

Section 6a - ''heirs'' and ''next of Kin'' Construed

Section 7 - Creation of Estate in Common, Joint Tenancy or Tenancy by the Entirety

Section 8 - Conveyance to Grantor and Another

Section 8a - Name and Address of Owner; Request for Information; Records; Penalty

Section 9 - Conveyance by Tenant for Life or Years of Greater Estate

Section 10 - Acts of Owner of Precedent Estate Upon Expectant Estate; Effect

Section 11 - Barring of Estates Tail

Section 12 - Fixtures Annexed by Life Tenant; Determination; Removal

Section 14 - Sale of Timber Standing on Land Used by Other Than Owner of Fee

Section 15 - Proceedings Affecting Title to Real Property; Recording and Registration of Memoranda of Lis Pendens; Persons Affected

Section 16 - Certificate of Judgment, Decree or Final Disposition; Recording

Section 17 - Judgments or Decrees; Effect of Recording

Section 17a - Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Estate; Acknowledgment; Recordation

Section 17b - Mortgage Loan Application; Real Estate Consisting of a Certain Dwelling House; Required Statements and Information

Section 17b1/2 - Variable or Adjustable Rate Subprime Loans for First-Time Home Loan Borrowers; Written Affirmation and Counseling Certificate Required; Approved Counseling Programs; Violations; Regulations

Section 18 - Entry Into Land; Legal Proceedings Required to Recover Possession of Land or Tenements; Jurisdiction

Section 19 - Entry for Breach of Condition; Certificate; Recordation

Section 20 - Right of Entry or Action for Recovery of Real Property; Descent or Discontinuance

Section 21 - Encumbrances Upon Real Property; Duty of Grantor to Inform Grantee

Section 22 - Encumbrance of Record; Liability for Removal

Section 23 - Conditions or Restrictions; Term of Years; Applicability

Section 23a - Proceedings Relating to Building Restrictions; Limitation of Actions

Section 23b - Restrictive Covenants Based on Race, Religion, National Origin or Sex; Validity; Exception

Section 23c - Solar Energy Systems; Installation or Use; Restrictive Provisions

Section 23d - Community Residences for Disabled Persons; Restrictive Provisions

Section 24 - Defects, Irregularities or Omissions in Deeds; Curative Period

Section 25 - Indefinite References; Effect; Application

Section 26 - Land Use or Construction Restrictions Subject to This Section and Secs. 27 to 30; Definitions; Sufficiency of Description; Presumptions

Section 27 - Restrictions Imposed After December 31, 1961; Limitations on Enforceability; Extension of Period

Section 28 - Restrictions Imposed Before January 1, 1962; Limitations on Enforceability; Extension of Period

Section 29 - Notice or Extension of Restriction; Prerequisites

Section 30 - Enforceability of Restrictions; Presumptions and Prerequisites; Temporary Injunction

Section 31 - Restrictions, Defined

Section 32 - Effect, Enforcement, Acquisition, and Release of Restrictions

Section 33 - Public Restriction Tract Index

Section 34 - Good Faith Purchasers of Interests in Real Estate From Trustees; Binding Effect on Trust; Recording Conditions

Section 35 - Trustee's Certificate; Requirements; Effect