Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 68 - Donations and Conveyances for Pious and Charitable Uses
Section 30 - Investigation of Violations

Section 30. (a) The attorney general, whenever he believes a person has violated the provisions of sections nineteen to thirty-five, inclusive, or has filed any application required under said sections which contains false or misleading information, may conduct an investigation to determine whether in fact such person is in violation of said provisions, or has filed any false or misleading information. In conducting such investigation the attorney general may: (1) take testimony under oath; (2) examine or cause to be examined any documentary material of whatever nature relevant to such alleged violations or false or misleading information; and (3) require attendance during such examination of documentary material of any person having knowledge of the documentary material and take testimony under oath or acknowledgement in respect of any such documentary material. Such testimony and examination shall take place in the county where such person resides or has a place of business or, if the parties consent or such person is a non-resident or has no place of business within the commonwealth, in Suffolk county.
(b) Notice of the time, place and cause of such taking of testimony, examination or attendance shall be given by the attorney general at least ten days prior to the date of such taking of testimony or examination.
(c) Service of any such notice may be made by (1) delivering a duly executed copy thereof to the person to be served or to a partner or to any officer or agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process on behalf of such person; (2) delivering a duly executed copy thereof to the principal place of business in the commonwealth of the person to be served; or (3) mailing by registered or certified mail a duly executed copy thereof addressed to the person to be served at the principal place of business in the commonwealth or, if said person has no place of business in the commonwealth, to his principal office or place of business.
(d) Each such notice shall: (1) state the time and place for the taking of testimony or the examination and the name and address of each person to be examined. if known, and, if the name is not known, a general description sufficient to identify him or the particular class or group to which he belongs; (2) state the statute and section thereof, if any, of the alleged violation which is under investigation and state the general subject matter of the investigation; (3) describe the class or classes of documentary material to be produced thereunder with reasonable specificity, so as fairly to indicate the material demanded; (4) prescribe a return date within which the documentary material is to be produced; and (5) identify the members of the attorney general's staff to whom such documentary material is to be made available for inspection and copying.
(e) No such notice shall contain any requirement which would be unreasonable or improper if contained in a subpoena duces tecum issued by a court of the commonwealth; or require the disclosure of any documentary material which would be privileged or which for any other reason would not be required by a subpoena duces tecum issued by a court of the commonwealth.
(f) Any documentary material or other information produced by any person pursuant to this section shall not, unless otherwise ordered by a court of the commonwealth for good cause shown, be disclosed to any person other than the authorized agent or representative of the attorney general, unless with the consent of the person producing the same.
(g) The superior court for the county of Suffolk or for any county in which any person served in accordance with the section resides or has his usual place of business may, at any time prior to the date specified in the notice, or within twenty-one days after the notice has been served, whichever period is shorter, upon motion for good cause shown, extend such reporting date or modify or set aside the notice provided for in this section.
This section shall not be applicable to any criminal proceeding, nor shall information obtained under the authority of this section be admissible in evidence in any criminal prosecution for substantially identical transactions.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XI - Certain Religious and Charitable Matters

Chapter 68 - Donations and Conveyances for Pious and Charitable Uses

Section 1 - Corporate Bodies, Church Officers As

Section 2 - Corporate Bodies; Status of Ministers and Lay Officials

Section 3 - Management of Trusts; Appointment of Trustees; Rules and Regulations

Section 4 - Corporate Bodies, Trustees As

Section 5 - Succession of Parsonage Land

Section 6 - Regulation of Conveyances of Church Land

Section 7 - Conveyance of Land by Minister

Section 8 - Committees to Settle Accounts of Officers

Section 10 - Overseers or Trustees of Monthly Meeting of Quakers as Corporation

Section 11 - Monthly Meeting of Quakers; Appointment of Trustees; Powers and Duties

Section 12 - Unincorporated Religious Societies; Powers

Section 13 - Reports of Trustees

Section 14 - Removal of Trustees

Section 16 - Regulation of Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes on Public Ways

Section 18 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 18 to 35

Section 19 - Registration of Charitable Organization; Filing of Statement; Contents

Section 19a - Designation as Veterans' Charitable Organization

Section 20 - Exemption From Registration

Section 22 - Contracts

Section 23 - Solicitation Disclosures

Section 24 - Registration by Professional Fund-Raising Counsel, Commercial Co-Venturer, or Professional Solicitor; Annual Financial Report

Section 25 - Records; Public Inspection

Section 26 - Fiscal Records

Section 27 - Reciprocal Agreements

Section 28 - Deceptive Practices Prohibited

Section 29 - Rules and Regulations

Section 30 - Investigation of Violations

Section 31 - Foreign Organizations or Persons; Service of Process

Section 32 - Violations; Revocation of Registration; Fines and Penalties; Injunctions

Section 33 - Fiduciary Capacity

Section 34 - Common Fund for Nonprofit Organizations; Membership; Investments

Section 35 - Paid Solicitations and Solicitors; Violations; Fine