Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 32a - Contributory Group General or Blanket Insurance for Persons in the Service of the Commonwealth
Section 3 - Group Insurance Commission

Section 3. There shall be established within the executive office of administration and finance, but not under its jurisdiction, a special unpaid commission, to be known as the group insurance commission, consisting of the commissioner of administration and finance, the commissioner of insurance, and 13 members to be appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall be a retired state employee, 1 of whom shall be a health economist and at least 3 of whom shall be full-time state employees, 1 shall be a member of the Massachusetts Public Employees Council, #93, AFSCME, Massachusetts State Labor Council, AFL–CIO, 1 shall be a member of the Massachusetts State Employees Association, NAGE, and 1 shall be a member of Local 254, S.E.I.U., 1 of whom shall be a management representative appointed from a list of 3 representatives nominated by the Massachusetts Municipal Association and 1 of whom shall be a labor representative appointed from a list of 3 representatives nominated by the president of the teachers' union with the greatest amount of active and retired members enrolled in commission health plans. In addition, upon the transfer of 45,000 subscribers from municipal governmental units to the group insurance commission pursuant to section 19 of chapter 32B, there shall be an additional management representative appointed by the governor from a list of 3 representatives nominated by the Massachusetts Municipal Association and an additional labor representative appointed by the governor from a list of 3 representatives of municipal public safety employees nominated by the president of the Massachusetts Chapter of the AFL–CIO. Whenever an organization nominates a list of representatives for appointment by the governor under this section, the organization may nominate additional candidates if the governor declines to appoint any of those originally nominated. Not more than 55 per cent of the appointive members of the commission shall be members of the same political party. No member appointed by the governor shall be an insurance agent, broker, employee or officer of an insurance company. Upon the expiration of the term of office of an appointive member, his successor shall be appointed in like manner for a term of 3 years. The commission shall be provided with suitable offices and may, subject to appropriation, incur expenses and appoint an executive director who shall be the executive and administrative head of the commission and who shall not be subject to chapter 31. The commission may authorize the executive director to appoint such employees as may be necessary to administer this chapter. There shall be paid by the commonwealth to each appointive member of the commission the necessary expenses actually incurred in the discharge of his official duties. The commission shall adopt such reasonable rules and regulations as may be necessary for the administration of this chapter and shall make an annual report to the governor and to the general court which shall include any modifications or amendments made to contracts executed under this chapter. The rules and regulations shall be in such form as to enable employees to understand the benefits available from the insurance program, including the cost thereof.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title IV - Civil Service, Retirements and Pensions

Chapter 32a - Contributory Group General or Blanket Insurance for Persons in the Service of the Commonwealth

Section 1 - Purpose of Chapter

Section 2 - Definitions

Section 3 - Group Insurance Commission

Section 3a - Employees' Advisory Committee

Section 3b - Applicability of Chapter to Commonwealth Charter Schools and Education Collaboratives

Section 4 - Purchase of Insurance Policies by Commission

Section 4a - Administrative Services Contracts

Section 4b - Retroactive Claims Denials for Behavioral Health Services

Section 5 - Insurance and Medicare Benefits of State Employees

Section 6 - Amounts of Insurance and Benefits; Determination; Alterations or Reductions; Separability

Section 7 - Information Furnished Commission by Employees

Section 8 - Contributions for Premiums by Commonwealth and Active or Retired Employees and Dependents; Ratio; Withholding; Direct Payment; Reimbursement by Certain Agencies; Filing Copies of Contracts and Agreements

Section 8a - Employees on Leaves of Absence for More Than One Year; Insurance Costs Charged to Employing Agency

Section 9 - Dividends, Refunds, Rate Credits; Deposit in Special Funds; Transfer of Reserves

Section 9a - Investment Committee; Investment and Deposit of Funds by State Treasurer

Section 10 - Retirement or Termination of Employment; Effect on Policy; Conversion of Insurance

Section 10a - Additional Insurance

Section 10b - Insurance for Elderly Government Retirees and Their Dependents

Section 10c - Optional Medicare Extension

Section 10d - Disability Insurance; Withholding Payment of Premiums

Section 10e - Insurance for Commonwealth Employee Granted Leave to Care for Dependent Child

Section 11 - Death of Employee or Retired Employee; Continuation of Insurance by Spouse or Dependent

Section 11a - Divorced or Separated Spouses; Continuation of Insurance Coverage

Section 12 - Retired Teachers; Life and Health Insurance; Agreements; Contributions; Withholding of Premiums; Reimbursement of Premiums and Expenses; Dividends; Rules and Regulations

Section 13 - Approval of Applications by Political Subdivisions for Life and Health Insurance Covering Retired Teachers

Section 14 - Optional Insurance for Services of Health Care Organizations

Section 15 - Catastrophic Illness Coverage; Contracts; Premiums; Dividends; Conversion; Rules and Regulations

Section 16 - Election to Continue Insurance Coverages; Notice

Section 17 - Dental and Vision Expenses; Reimbursement of Employees

Section 17a - Coverage for Nonprescription Enteral Formulas for Home Use

Section 17b - Hospice Services for Commonwealth Employees Insured Under Group Insurance Commission

Section 17c - Required Coverage for Prenatal Care, Childbirth, and Postpartum Care

Section 17d - Coverage for Bone Marrow Transplants

Section 17e - Scalp Hair Prostheses Necessary Due to Cancer or Leukemia Treatment

Section 17f - Newborn Hearing Screening Test; Group Insurance Commission Coverage

Section 17g - Items Medically Necessary for the Diagnosis or Treatment of Diabetes; Group Insurance Commission Coverage

Section 17h - Coverage for Human Leukocyte or Histocompatibility Locus Antigen Testing

Section 17i - Prosthetic Devices and Repairs; Group Insurance Commission Coverage

Section 17j - Coverage for Children Under Age 18 for Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate

Section 17k - Coverage for Orally Administered Anticancer Medications

Section 17l - Coverage for Abuse Deterrent Opioid Drug Products

Section 17m - Preauthorization for Substance Abuse Treatment Not to Be Required

Section 17n - Coverage for Medically Necessary Acute Treatment and Clinical Stabilization Services; Preauthorization Not to Be Required; Notice to Carrier of Admission and Initial Treatment Plan

Section 17o - Coverage for Medical or Drug Treatments to Correct or Repair Disturbances of Body Composition Caused by HIV Associated Lipodystrophy Syndrome

Section 17p - Filling of Remaining Portion of Prescription for Covered Drug That Is a Narcotic Substance Earlier Filled in Lesser Quantity

Section 17q - Pain Management Access Plan

Section 17r - Coverage for Treatment of Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Streptococcal Infections and Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome

Section 18 - Medicare Health Benefits Supplement Plan, Mandatory Transfer; Payment of Penalty

Section 19 - Release From Insurance Coverage; Payment; Reinstatement of Coverage

Section 20 - Charges or Collections of Excess Compensation

Section 21 - Health Care Services Evaluation; Vendor Quality Improvement Program; Annual Report

Section 22 - Diagnosis and Treatment of Certain Biologically-Based Mental Disorders; Mental Disorders of Victims of Rape; Non-Biologically-Based Mental Disorders of Children and Adolescents Under Age 19; Group Insurance Commission Coverage

Section 23 - Coverage for Speech, Hearing and Language Disorders

Section 24 - State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund

Section 24a - State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund Board of Trustees; Membership; Powers and Duties

Section 25 - Insurance Coverage for Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Section 26 - Wellness Program

Section 27 - Toll-Free Telephone Number and Website Providing Customers With Estimated or Maximum Allowed Amount or Charge for Proposed Admission, Procedure or Service

Section 28 - Coverage for Certain Services and Contraceptive Methods

Section 29 - Tobacco Cessation

Section 30 - Coverage for Telehealth Services