Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 128 - Agriculture
Section 2d - Liability of Persons Involved in Equine Activities

Section 2D. (a) For the purposes of this section, the following words shall have the following meanings:—
''Engage in an equine activity'', riding, training, assisting in veterinary treatment of, driving, or being a passenger upon an equine, whether mounted or unmounted, visiting or touring or utilizing an equine facility as part of an organized event or activity, or assisting a participant or show management. The term ''engage in an equine activity'' shall not include being a spectator at an equine activity, except in cases where the spectator places himself in an unauthorized area or in immediate proximity to the equine activity.
''Equine'', a horse, pony, mule, or donkey.
''Equine activity'' (1) equine shows, fairs, competitions, performances, or parades that involve any or all breeds of equines and any of the equine disciplines, including, but not limited to, dressage, hunter and jumper horse shows, grand prix jumping, three-day events, combined training, rodeos, riding, driving, pulling, cutting, polo, steeplechasing, English and western performance riding, endurance trail riding, gymkhana games, and hunting; (2) equine training or teaching activities or both; (3) boarding equines; including normal daily care thereof; (4) riding, inspecting, or evaluating by a purchaser or an agent an equine belonging to another, whether or not the owner has received some monetary consideration or other thing of value for the use of the equine or is permitting a prospective purchaser of the equine to ride, inspect, or evaluate the equine; (5) rides, trips, hunts or other equine activities of any type however informal or impromptu that are sponsored by an equine activity sponsor; (6) placing or replacing horseshoes or hoof trimming on an equine; and (7) providing or assisting in veterinary treatment.
''Equine activity sponsor'', an individual, group, club, partnership, or corporation, whether or not the sponsor is operating for profit or nonprofit, which sponsors, organizes, or provides the facilities for, an equine activity, including but not limited to: pony clubs, 4–H clubs, hunt clubs, riding clubs, school and college-sponsored classes, programs and activities, therapeutic riding programs, stable and farm owners and operators, instructors, and promoters of equine facilities, including but not limited to farms, stables, clubhouses, pony ride strings, fairs, and arenas at which the activity is held.
''Equine professional'', a person engaged for compensation:
(1) in instructing a participant or renting to a participant an equine for the purpose of riding, driving or being a passenger upon the equine; (2) in renting equipment or tack to a participant; (3) to provide daily care of horses boarded at an equine facility; or (4) to train an equine.
''Inherent risks of equine activities'', dangers or conditions which are an integral part of equine activities, including but not limited to:
(1) The propensity of equines to behave in ways that may result in injury, harm, or death to persons on or around them; (2) the unpredictability of an equine's reaction to such things as sounds, sudden movement, and unfamiliar objects, persons, or other animals; (3) certain hazards such as surface and subsurface conditions; (4) collisions with other equines or objects; (5) the potential of a participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to the participant or others, such as failing to maintain control over the animal or not acting within his ability.
''Participant'', any person, whether amateur or professional, who engages in an equine activity, whether or not a fee is paid to participate in such equine activity.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (c), an equine activity sponsor, an equine professional, or any other person, which shall include a corporation or partnership, shall not be liable for an injury to or the death of a participant resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities and, except as provided in said subsection (c), no participant nor participant's representative shall make any claim against, maintain an action against, or recover from an equine activity sponsor, an equine professional, or any other person for injury, loss, damage, or death of the participant resulting from any of the inherent risks of equine activities.
(c) This section shall not apply to the racing meetings as defined by section one of chapter one hundred and twenty-eight A.
Nothing in subsection (b) shall prevent or limit the liability of an equine activity sponsor, an equine professional, or any other person if the equine activity sponsor, equine professional, or person:
(1) (i) provided the equipment or tack, and knew or should have known that the equipment or tack was faulty, and such equipment or tack was faulty to the extent that it did cause the injury; or (ii) provided the equine and failed to make reasonable and prudent efforts to determine the ability of the participant to engage safely in the equine activity, and determine the ability of the participant to safely manage the particular equine based on the participant's representations of his ability;
(2) owns, leases, rents, has authorized use of, or is otherwise in lawful possession and control of the land, or facilities upon which the participant sustained injuries because of a dangerous latent condition which was known to the equine activity sponsor, equine professional, or person and for which warning signs, pursuant to subsection (d), have not been conspicuously posted;
(3) commits an act of omission that constitutes willful or wanton disregard for the safety of the participant, and that act of omission caused the injury; or
(4) intentionally injures the participant.
(d)(1) Every equine professional shall post and maintain signs which contain the warning notice specified in paragraph (2). Such signs shall be placed in a clearly visible location in the proximity of the equine activity. The warning notice specified in said paragraph (2) shall appear on the sign in black letters, with each letter to be a minimum of one inch in height. Every written contract entered into by an equine professional for the providing of professional services, instruction, or the rental of equipment or tack or an equine to a participant, whether or not the contract involves equine activities on or off the location or site of the equine professional's business, shall contain in clearly readable print the warning notice specified in said paragraph (2).
(2) The signs and contracts described in paragraph (1) shall contain the following notice:
Under Massachusetts law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to, or the death of, a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to section 2D of chapter 128 of the General Laws.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XIX - Agriculture and Conservation

Chapter 128 - Agriculture

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - Farming, Agriculture, Farmer; Definitions

Section 2 - Powers and Duties of the Department

Section 2a - Horse Riding Instructors; Licenses; Fees; Validity of License; Duplicate Licenses; Rules and Regulations

Section 2b - Riding Schools or Stables; License; Fee; Rules and Regulations; Penalties

Section 2c - Horses Participating in Contests at Agricultural Fairs; Administering of Drugs Prohibited; Testing, Prima Facie Evidence; Eligibility Restricted; Rules and Regulations

Section 2d - Liability of Persons Involved in Equine Activities

Section 2e - Agricultural Harvesting or ''pick-Your-Own'' Farming Operations; Liability of Owners or Operators

Section 3 - Collection and Circulation of Information Regarding Development of Agricultural Resources

Section 4 - Trust Funds, Gifts or Bequests

Section 5 - Annual Report

Section 6 - Lectures and Publications

Section 7 - Posters Containing Extracts of Laws; Preparation and Distribution

Section 7a - Definitions

Section 7b - Use of Public Lands; Application; Indemnification

Section 7c - Priority in Allotment of Public Lands

Section 7d - Bureau Contracts for Use of Public Lands

Section 7e - Making Land Available to Bureau

Section 7f - Adoption of Rules and Regulations

Section 8a - Destruction or Control of Foxes and Rodents; Investigations; Cooperative Arrangements With United States

Section 8b - Supervision of Mink Ranches; Listing; Fee; Certificate; Penalty

Section 9 - Establishment of Demonstration Sheep Farms

Section 10 - Maintenance of Flock of Sheep on Demonstration Farm

Section 11 - Compensation From Commonwealth for Use of Farm as a Demonstration Sheep Farm

Section 12 - Powers and Duties of Division of Regulatory Services

Section 13 - Report of Unsanitary Condition

Section 13a - Reimbursement Following Dealer's Milk Payment Default

Section 13b - Dealer Payments Into Milk Producers Security Fund

Section 14 - Access by Department to Places or Vehicles Used in Manufacture, Storage or Sale of Dairy Products; Enforcement of Laws; Hindrance of Officer

Section 15 - Duties of Employees of Department

Section 16 - Entry Upon Public or Private Grounds for Purposes of Abating Serious Plant Diseases; Contracts

Section 17 - Inspection of Nurseries; Certificate; Suppression of Pests

Section 18 - Licensing of Nursery Agents; Application; Revocation

Section 19 - Sale of Nursery Stock; Grower's Certificate

Section 20 - Importation of Nursery Stock; Certificate of Inspection

Section 20a - Spread or Growth of Plants of Water Chestnut ≪i>(trapa Natans)

Section 21 - Inspection of Nursery Stock, Fruits and Plants at Points of Destination; Destruction; Notice to Director

Section 23 - Compensation for Destruction of Cultivated Berry-Bearing Shrubbery; Notice; Investigation; Arbitration; Award; Certification

Section 24 - Inspection of Orchards, Etc. for Noxious Weeds, Insect Pests or Plant Diseases; Notice to Landowners, Et al.; Abatement; Cost of Treatment

Section 25 - Appeal From Proposed Action

Section 26 - Proceedings After Appeal; Notice

Section 27 - Prohibition on Delivery Within the Commonwealth of Infested Nursery Stock, Fruit and Plants

Section 28 - Exemption of Gypsy and Brown Tail Moths

Section 29 - Penalties for Violation of Secs. 16 to 27

Section 30 - Prosecutions

Section 31 - European Corn Borer Infestation; Hearing; Order; Publication

Section 31a - Disposition of Corn Stubble; Destruction; Postponement

Section 32 - Inspection and Control of Bees; Chief Apiary Inspector; Duties; Preparation and Distribution of Literature on Bee Culture

Section 33 - Maintenance of Colony of Honey Bees in Hives in Which Brood Combs Are Fastened to Container; Diseased Bees

Section 34 - Instructions as to Treatment of Diseased and Miskept Colonies; Destruction

Section 35 - Transportation of Bees and Bee Equipment; Certificate; Inspection; Fees

Section 36 - Access by Inspector to Places Where Bees, Bee Supplies, Appliances or Equipment Are Kept; Inspection Cards

Section 36a - Records of Number and Locations of Colonies; Reports

Section 36b - Labeling and Sale of Honey; Restrictions

Section 36c - Maple Syrup and Maple Syrup Food Products; Labelling

Section 38 - Penalties for Violation of Secs. 33, 35, 36b and 36c

Section 38a - Establishment and Holding of Fairs

Section 38b - Massachusetts State Exposition Building Maintenance Fund

Section 38c - Agricultural Fairs; Facilities and Land Resources; Preservation and Rehabilitation

Section 40 - Trustees for County Cooperative Extension Service; Accounts; Director of Accounts; Annual Report

Section 41 - Selection of Directors; Terms

Section 42 - Receipt of Grants; Expenditure of Money; Power of Trustees

Section 43 - Instructors in Agriculture, Homemaking and Country Life

Section 44 - Preparation of Annual Budget

Section 44a - Suffolk County Annual Budget and Report; Tax Assessment

Section 45 - Acquisition of Land by Towns for Demonstration Work in Agriculture and Homemaking

Section 46 - Agricultural or Horticultural Societies; Exhibitions; Assignment of Police to Preserve Peace

Section 47 - Receipt of Department Reports by Farmers' Clubs; Annual Returns; Reports

Section 48 - Regulations for Preservation of Peace at Meetings or Exhibitions; Posting

Section 49 - Vendors, Gaming Activities, Shows or Plays Near Cattle Show, Fair or Exhibition; Gaming

Section 50 - Penalty for Violations of Sec. 49 or Regulations Established Under Sec. 48

Section 51 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 52 to 63

Section 52 - Commercial Feed; Registration; Application; Changes in Guarantees; Hearing; Fee

Section 53 - Labels Affixed to Commercial Feed Containers or Accompanying Delivery in Bulk; Form and Content

Section 54 - Adulterated Feed, Defined

Section 55 - Restrictions on Distribution of Feed

Section 56 - Prohibited Acts or Omissions

Section 57 - Enforcement of Secs. 52 to 60; Prosecution of Violations; Hearing; Notice

Section 58 - Inspection of Commercial Feed Facilities and Vehicles; Warrant; Obtaining of Official Samples for Analysis and Forwarding of Results

Section 59 - Methods for Collection and Delivery of Samples for Analysis

Section 60 - Withdrawal of Commercial Feed From Sale; Release; Condemnation Proceedings; Seizure; Disposition

Section 61 - Penalties; Certified Copy of Official Analysis as Prima Facie Evidence

Section 62 - Publication of Pertinent Information and Data Concerning Commercial Feed; Results of Analysis; Confidential Status

Section 63 - Rules and Regulations Relative to Sale of Commercial Feed

Section 64 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 65 to 83

Section 65 - Plant Nutrients or Beneficial Substances; Guarantees; Sources; Inspection and Analysis

Section 65a - Limitation on the Purchase and Application of Phosphorus Containing Fertilizer; Additional Regulations for the Limitation of Non-Point Source Pollution From Plant Nutrients

Section 66 - Licenses to Distribute Fertilizers; Registration of Specialty Fertilizers; Applications; Labels; Fees

Section 67 - Labeling of Containers of Commercial Fertilizers, Soil Conditioners and Agricultural Liming Materials; Contents

Section 68 - Registration and Inspection Fees for Commercial Fertilizers, Soil Conditioners and Agricultural Liming Materials

Section 69 - Statement of Tonnage Sold; Inspection Fee; Filing; Permit to Examine Books

Section 70 - Analysis of Fertilizers; Inspection and Taking of Samples; Publication of Results

Section 71 - Analysis Deficiencies; Penalties

Section 72 - Weight Deficiencies; Penalty

Section 73 - Determination and Publication of Values per Unit of Certain Nutrients in Fertilizers

Section 74 - False or Misleading Labeling of Commercial Fertilizers, Soil Conditioners and Agricultural Liming Materials; Deleterious or Harmful Ingredients

Section 75 - Rules and Regulations; Effectiveness; Violations; Prosecution, Restriction

Section 76 - Misleading or Deceptive Practices; Violations; Refusal or Cancellation of Certificate

Section 77 - Analysis of Samples

Section 78 - Nonconforming Products; Violations; Withholding From Sale; Release; Condemnation; Seizure; Disposal

Section 79 - Violations; Penalties; Official Analysis as Prima Facie Evidence

Section 80 - Publication of Information Concerning Fertilizers, Soil Conditioners and Agricultural Liming Materials

Section 81 - Minor Violations; Reporting

Section 82 - Rules and Regulations Relative to the Sale of Commercial Fertilizers, Soil Conditioners and Agricultural Liming Materials

Section 83 - Exempt Transactions

Section 84 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 84 to 101

Section 85 - Sale of Seeds; Labeling or Tagging Containers; Required Information

Section 86 - Sale of Seeds; Labeling or Tagging Containers; Variety or Cultivar Designation

Section 87 - Vegetable Seeds; Labeling or Tagging Containers; Required Information

Section 88 - Flower Seeds; Labeling Containers; Required Information

Section 89 - Tree and Shrub Seeds; Labeling Containers; Required Information

Section 90 - Sale of Seeds; Percentage of Germination; Labeling; False Advertisements; Noxious Weed Seeds

Section 91 - Defacing or Destroying Labels; False Advertising; Prohibited Sales

Section 92 - Application of Secs. 85 to 91

Section 93 - Exemption From Penalty of Sec. 100; Limitations

Section 94 - Enforcement; Prosecutions

Section 95 - Access for Inspection; Taking Samples for Tests and Analyses; Cooperation With United States Department of Agriculture; Withholding Seeds From Sale

Section 96 - Seizure and Condemnation; Court Proceedings

Section 97 - Tests and Analyses; Reports; Publication of Results

Section 98 - Seed Germination Standards; Enforcement

Section 99 - Purity and Germination Tests; Fees; Disposition

Section 100 - Penalty

Section 101 - Sale of Seed Potatoes Restricted; Waiver; Penalty

Section 102 - Marketing and Promotion of Apples; Purpose and Policy

Section 103 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 102 to 115

Section 104 - Marketing Agreements; Approval

Section 105 - Marketing Orders; Issuance; Notice and Hearing; Amendment or Termination of Orders

Section 106 - Budgets for Marketing Orders or Agreements; Cooperation With Other States and Federal Government

Section 107 - Collection of Assessments

Section 108 - Marketing Agreements or Orders; Provisions

Section 109 - Temporary Suspension of Marketing Orders or Agreements; Notice and Hearing

Section 110 - Economic Factors

Section 111 - Effect of Marketing Agreements or Marketing Orders; Execution or Issuance of One Without Other; Concurrent Hearings

Section 112 - Issuance, Amendment or Termination of Marketing Orders; Deposit to Defray Expenses; Reimbursement

Section 113 - Assessments Held in Trust; Disbursements; Refunds; Reports

Section 114 - Advisory Board Established With Marketing Order; Membership; Expenses; Duties

Section 115 - Rules and Regulations; Promulgation; Actions to Enforce Compliance; Injunctions; Costs

Section 116 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 117 to 123

Section 117 - Industrial Hemp; Regulation; Acquisition of Seed

Section 118 - Purposes for Which Industrial Hemp May Be Planted, Grown, Harvested, Possessed, Processed or Sold; Registration and Licensure

Section 119 - Annual License; Grounds for Denial of Application

Section 120 - Suspension, Revocation or Refusal to Renew License

Section 121 - Rulemaking Authority

Section 122 - Inspection and Testing Program

Section 123 - Fines; Appeals

Section 124 - Enforcement of Federal Standards Related to Growing, Harvesting, Packing and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption