Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 64c - Cigarette Excise
Section 2b - Test Method and Performance Standard for Cigarettes Offered for Sale or Sold to Persons Located in Commonwealth

Section 2B. (a) No cigarettes may be sold or offered for sale in the commonwealth or offered for sale or sold to persons located in the commonwealth unless the cigarettes have been tested in accordance with the test method prescribed in this section and meet the performance standard specified in this section and unless a written certification has been filed by the manufacturer with the secretary in accordance with section 2C. Such test method and performance standard shall require that:
(1) testing of cigarettes shall be conducted in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials, or ''ASTM'', standard E2187–04 ''Standard Test Method for Measuring the Ignition Strength of Cigarettes'';
(2) testing shall be conducted on 10 layers of filter paper;
(3) no more than 25 per cent of the cigarettes tested in a test trial in accordance with this section shall exhibit full-length burns. Forty replicate tests shall comprise a complete test trial for each cigarette tested;
(4) the performance standard required by this section shall only be applied to a complete test trial; and
(5) laboratories conducting testing in accordance with this section shall implement a quality control and quality assurance program that includes a procedure to determine the repeatability of the testing results. The repeatability value shall be no greater than 0.19.
(b) Each cigarette listed in a certification submitted pursuant to section 2C that uses lowered permeability bands in the cigarette paper to achieve compliance with the performance standard set forth in this section shall have at least 2 nominally identical bands on the paper surrounding the tobacco column. At least 1 complete band shall be located at least 15 millimeters from the lighting end of the cigarette. For cigarettes on which the bands are positioned by design, there shall be at least 2 bands fully located at least 15 millimeters from the lighting end and 10 millimeters from the filter end of the tobacco column, or 10 millimeters from the labeled end of the tobacco column for a non-filtered cigarette.
(c) The manufacturer or manufacturers of a cigarette that the secretary determines cannot be tested in accordance with the test method prescribed in subsection (a) shall propose a test method and performance standard for such cigarette to the secretary. Upon approval of the proposed test method and a determination by the secretary, in consultation with the commissioner of the department of public health, that the performance standard proposed by the manufacturer or manufacturers is equivalent to the performance standard prescribed in subsection (a), the manufacturer or manufacturers may employ such test method and performance standard to certify such cigarette pursuant to section 2C. All other applicable requirements of this section shall apply to such manufacturer or manufacturers.
(d) In order to ensure compliance with the performance standard specified in subsection (a) or (c), data from testing conducted, or caused to be conducted, by manufacturers to comply shall be kept on file by such manufacturers for a period of 3 years and shall, upon request, be sent to the secretary and to the attorney general.
(e) The secretary may adopt, by regulation, a subsequent ASTM standard test method or any other state's cigarette test method, upon a finding that such subsequent method does not result in a decrease in the percentage of full-length burns exhibited by any tested cigarette when compared to the percentage of full-length burns the same cigarette would exhibit when tested in accordance with ASTM Standard E2187–04.
(f) The secretary, in consultation with the state fire marshal, shall review the effectiveness of this section, annually, and provide the joint committee on public safety and the committees on ways and means a report detailing his findings and recommendations for legislation, if any, to improve the effectiveness of this section. The report and recommendations shall be submitted not later than June 30th each year.
(g) Nothing in this section shall prohibit any person or entity from manufacturing or selling cigarettes that do not meet the requirements of this section if such cigarettes are or will be stamped for sale in another state or are packaged for sale outside the United States and if the person or entity has taken reasonable steps to ensure that such cigarettes will not be sold or offered for sale to persons located in the commonwealth.
(h) This section shall not require additional testing if cigarettes are tested to satisfy another purpose, but are tested in a manner that satisfies this section.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title IX - Taxation

Chapter 64c - Cigarette Excise

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Vendors' Licenses; Display

Section 2a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 2a to 2f

Section 2b - Test Method and Performance Standard for Cigarettes Offered for Sale or Sold to Persons Located in Commonwealth

Section 2c - Certification to Be Submitted by Manufacturer; Fee; Cigarette Fire Safety and Firefighter Protection Act Enforcement Fund

Section 2d - Marking to Indicate Compliance With Testing and Performance Standard Requirements

Section 2e - Sale of Cigarettes in Violation of Testing and Performance Standard Requirements; Civil Penalties; Inspections; Action by Attorney General; Inclusion in Directory of Tobacco Product Manufacturers

Section 2f - Fire Prevention and Public Safety Fund

Section 5 - Records and Statements Required of Vendors and Purchasers

Section 5a - Collection of Excises Imposed on Residents Purchasing Cigarettes and Tobacco Products in Interstate Commerce; Statements of Sellers and Shipping Invoices

Section 6 - Payment of Excise; Reports and Examination of Records of Carriers, Warehousemen, etc.; Amount Credited to Commonwealth Care Trust Fund

Section 7a - Additional Cigarette Excise Tax; Credit to Children's and Seniors' Health Care Assistance Fund; Exemption

Section 7b - Cigars and Smoking Tobacco; Payment and Rate of Excise Tax; Liability of Distributors, Retailers and Residents; Nonresident Cigar Distributors; Licenses; Violations and Penalties

Section 7c - Additional Payment of Excise; Credit to Health Protection Fund

Section 7d - Personal and Individual Liability to Commonwealth Upon Failure to Pay Amount Due Under This Chapter

Section 7e - Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems; Definitions; Excise Taxes; Liability for Collection and Payment; Payment Amount; Delivery and Transfer; Penalties

Section 8 - Prosecution for Illegal Possession, Etc.

Section 10 - Regulation of Vending Machines; Penalties for Particular Offenses; Sales to Children

Section 11 - Records and Reports of Purchases and Sales; Investigation, Examination and Search

Section 12 - Selling Price; ''loss-Leaders'' Prohibited

Section 13 - Definitions of Cost and Sale Terms

Section 14 - Unfair Competition; Penalty

Section 15 - Application of Act to Unusual Sales

Section 16 - Fair Competition; Prices

Section 17 - Illegal Contracts

Section 18 - Fictitious Prices; Discounts

Section 19 - Invoice Cost of Goods Purchased at Forced Sales

Section 20 - Cost Survey as Evidence

Section 21 - Liability of Agents Aiding Violations

Section 26 - Police Power

Section 27 - Severability Clause

Section 28 - Disposition of Sums Received

Section 29 - Payment of Tax Through Use of Adhesive Stamps

Section 30 - Stamper; Purchase and Use of Stamps; Appointment; Compensation; Payment for Stamps

Section 31 - Redemption of Unused or Mutilated Stamps, Etc.

Section 33 - Unstamped Cigarettes or Stamps; Prohibition of Sale, etc.; Examination and Replacement of Unstamped or Improperly Stamped Packages

Section 33a - Packages Containing Fewer Than 20 Cigarettes; Stamps; Penalties

Section 34 - Possession, Sale, etc., of Unstamped Cigarettes; Penalty; Prima Facie Evidence; Presumptions

Section 35 - Possession or Transportation of Unstamped Cigarettes; Penalty; Arrest, Search and Seizure; Forfeitures

Section 36 - Possession or Transportation of Unstamped Cigarettes; Necessity of Invoices or Delivery Tickets; Prima Facie Evidence

Section 37 - Forgery, Alteration, etc., of Excise Stamps; Unauthorized Use of Metering Machine; Penalties; Forfeitures

Section 38 - Unauthorized Use of Excise Stamps; Penalty

Section 38a - Seizure, Forfeiture and Sale of Unstamped Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco on Which Tax Has Not Been Paid

Section 39 - Application of Secs. 29 to 39

Section 40 - Multi-Agency Illegal Tobacco Task Force; Powers and Duties; Meetings; Annual Report