Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 15c - Massachusetts College Student Loan Authority
Section 22a - Civil Actions; Liability, Losses, Expenses; Insurance; Limitation of Actions

Section 22A. The Authority shall be liable on all claims made as a result of the activities, whether ministerial or discretionary, of any member, officer, or employee of the Authority acting as such, except for willful dishonesty or intentional violation of the law, in the same manner and to the same extent as a private person under like circumstances; provided, however, that the Authority shall not be liable to levy or execution on any real or personal property to satisfy judgment, for interest prior to judgment, for punitive damages or for any amount in excess of one hundred thousand dollars.
No person shall be liable to the commonwealth, to the Authority or to any other person as a result of his activities, whether ministerial or discretionary, as a member, officer or employee of the Authority except for willful dishonesty or intentional violation of the law; provided, however, that such person shall provide reasonable cooperation to the Authority in the defense of any claim. Failure of such person to provide reasonable cooperation shall cause him to be jointly liable with the Authority, to the extent that such failure prejudiced the defense of the action.
The Authority may indemnify or reimburse any person, or his personal representative, for losses or expenses, including legal fees and costs, arising from any claim, action, proceeding, award, compromise, settlement or judgment resulting from such person's activities, whether ministerial or discretionary, as a member, officer or employee of the Authority; provided that the defense of settlement thereof shall have been made by counsel approved by the Authority. The Authority may procure insurance for itself and for its members, officers and employees against liabilities, losses and expenses which may be incurred by virtue of this section or otherwise.
No civil action hereunder shall be brought more than three years after the date upon which the cause thereof accrued.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 15c - Massachusetts College Student Loan Authority

Section 1 - Policy and Purpose

Section 2 - Short Title

Section 3 - Definitions

Section 4 - Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority; Members; Terms; Meetings; Surety Bond; Conflict of Interest

Section 5 - Purposes of Authority; Powers

Section 5a - College Opportunity Program; Bonds; Issuance; Redemption; Tuition Agreements

Section 5b - Powers and Duties of Authority for Implementation and Administration of Savings Programs

Section 5c - Comprehensive State-Supported Supplemental Education Loan Program; Development

Section 6 - Payment of Expenses

Section 7 - Guidelines for Deposits of Monies, Endowments, etc.; Default Reserve Fund

Section 8 - Conveyance of Assets Comprising Loan Funding Deposits

Section 9 - Negotiable Notes; Issuance; Terms or Conditions

Section 10 - Revenue Bonds, Notes, or Other Obligations; Issuance; Authorization by Resolution; Resolution Provisions; Liability

Section 11 - Trust Agreements as Security for Revenue Bonds or Notes; Provisions of Trust Agreements

Section 12 - Payment of Bonds or Notes; Liability of Commonwealth

Section 13 - Fees; Contracts; Pledge of Revenues; Sinking Fund

Section 14 - Monies Received; Trust Funds

Section 14a - State Colleges and Universities Participation Fund

Section 14b - College Opportunity Fund; Purposes; Pledges

Section 15 - Holders of Revenue Bonds, Notes, or Other Obligations, and Trustees; Enforcement of Rights; Compelling Performance of Duties of Authority

Section 16 - Exercise of Powers for Benefit of Commonwealth; Tax Exempt Status

Section 17 - Refunding of Outstanding Revenue Bonds or Notes; Investment and Reinvestment of Proceeds; Additional Loans

Section 18 - Investment of Funds by Authority

Section 19 - Bonds as Investment Securities

Section 20 - Report of Authority; Audit

Section 21 - Powers of Participating Higher Education Institutions; Interest Rates

Section 22 - Employees; Social Security; Security Interests in Revenues and Receipts; Priority

Section 22a - Civil Actions; Liability, Losses, Expenses; Insurance; Limitation of Actions

Section 23 - Powers Granted Supplemental and Additional to Other Laws; Supervision or Regulation of Powers

Section 24 - New England Education Loan Marketing Corporation as Separate Entity

Section 25 - Construction of Law

Section 26 - Bankruptcy of Borrower

Section 27 - Rights and Properties of Authority Upon Dissolution, Liquidation or Other Termination

Section 28 - Severability

Section 29 - Achieving a Better Life Experience Program; Able Account; Qualified Disability Expenses; Annual Report