Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 167j - Corporate Governance Provisions and Requirements
Section 2 - Bond of Officers and Employees of Bank

Section 2. Officers and employees of a bank shall be bonded to the extent and in the form determined by the board.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 167j - Corporate Governance Provisions and Requirements

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Bond of Officers and Employees of Bank

Section 3 - Duties of Treasurer of Bank Under Other Provisions of Law

Section 4 - Misconduct of Officer, Director, Agent or Employee of Bank

Section 5 - Fee, Commission, Gift or Other Consideration in Connection With Business of Corporation

Section 6 - Penalty for Violations of Secs. 5 or 10

Section 7 - Payment of Interest on Deposit Accounts

Section 8 - Trustee, Director or Other Officer of Bank Simultaneously Serving in Same Capacity for Certain Other Institutions

Section 9 - Annual Statement of Condition of Bank

Section 10 - Loans or Extensions of Credit to Officer, Director or Trustee of Bank

Section 11 - Quarterly Written Reporting of Summary of Transactions and Other Information Requested by Board

Section 12 - Audit of Balance Sheet and Other Financial Statements of Mutual Bank

Section 13 - Maintenance of Capital and Surplus or Surplus Account Deemed Adequately Capitalized

Section 14 - Capital Stock of Stock Corporation

Section 15 - Report of Transfer of Stock Resulting in Ownership of 10 per Cent or More of Outstanding Stock With Voting Power

Section 16 - Determination of Record Date of Right to Notice of and to Vote at Stockholder's Meeting

Section 17 - Declaration of Dividends

Section 18 - Grant of Options to Purchase, Issue and Sell Shares of Capital Stock to Directors, Officers and Employees

Section 19 - Stock Purchase Plans, Restricted Stock Purchase Plans and Stock Grant Plans for Employees, Officers and Directors

Section 20 - Issue and Sale of Capital Notes and Debentures

Section 21 - Election of Alternative Corporate Governance Procedures; Designation in By-Laws of Body of Law Selected for Corporate Governance Procedure