Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 78 - Libraries
Section 19a - State Aid; Determination

Section 19A. The state treasurer shall annually, on or before July first, pay from monies appropriated from the Local Aid Fund for that purpose, to each city or town certified by the board of library commissioners to have met certain minimum standards of free public library service established by said board, an amount to be used for the free public library or libraries of said city or town, to be determined as follows:—
(1) to each town having a population of less than two thousand five hundred, a sum equivalent to the amount appropriated by it for free public library service during the preceding year, but in no event more than one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;
(2) to each city and to each town having a population of two thousand five hundred or more, a sum not exceeding fifty cents for each resident therein; provided, however, that such city or town appropriates during the preceding year for its free public library service at least one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;
(3) to each city and town, in addition to the amount specified in paragraph (1) or (2), a sum determined by allocating the remaining available amount among the cities and towns according to the provisions of section eighteen C of chapter fifty-eight.
(4) in addition to the amounts specified in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3), to each city or town whose library is designated a major nonresident lender by said board, an amount for the purpose of offsetting the costs of extending said service to nonresidents. Said amount shall be determined by said board by allocating the sum appropriated for this purpose according to criteria and formulae developed by said board in consultation with the regional public library systems established under section nineteen C.
No city or town shall receive any money under this section in any year when the appropriation of said city or town for free public library services is below an amount equal to the average of its appropriation for free public library service for the three years immediately preceding, increased by two and one-half per cent of said average. Said board may, upon petition of a community, waive aforesaid requirement upon demonstration of fiscal hardship. Said waiver may only be granted by said board in a given fiscal year to not more than ten cities and towns in the commonwealth.
For a joint public library, the board may approve, at the request of the cities or towns served by the joint public library, a single appropriation requirement in determining amounts under this section. The amount shall be calculated by aggregating the appropriations of the cities or towns administering the library. Upon petition by all of the cities or towns served by a joint public library, the board may waive the single appropriation requirement upon a demonstration of fiscal hardship. A joint public library shall be an undertaking of 2 or more cities or towns to provide public library service to their residents through a single administrative entity.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XII - Education

Chapter 78 - Libraries

Section 1 - Existing Corporations

Section 2 - Organization of County Law Libraries

Section 3 - Use by Residents of County

Section 4 - Source of Funds

Section 5 - Right to Receive Legislative Documents

Section 6 - Right to Receive Other Books and Documents

Section 7 - Establishment by Cities and Towns; Records

Section 8 - Use of Facilities by Non-Residents

Section 9 - Return of Unwanted State Publications

Section 10 - Town Libraries; Selection of Trustees and Officers

Section 11 - Board of Trustees; Powers and Duties

Section 12 - Annual Report of Trustees

Section 13 - Applicability of Sections Relating to Trustees

Section 14 - Board of Library Commissioners; Members; Appointment; Term; By-Laws; Reimbursement; Officers; Staff

Section 15 - Duties Relating to Management and Maintenance of Libraries

Section 19 - Powers, Duties and Status of Board

Section 19a - State Aid; Determination

Section 19b - State Aid; Annual Reports by Libraries; Requisites for Aid

Section 19c - Regional Public Library Service; Annual Appropriation

Section 19d - Regional Public Library Service; Council of Members

Section 19e - Library Media Services; Comprehensive Statewide Program; Funds; Standards

Section 19f - Regional Public Library Service; Arrangement for Delivery and Retrieval of Materials or Services

Section 19g - State Assistance for Public Library Projects

Section 19h - Definitions

Section 19i - Application for and Distribution of Funds

Section 19j - Allocation of Funds; Priorities

Section 19k - Gifts and Grants

Section 19l - Massachusetts Library and Information Network

Section 19m - Statewide Advisory Council on Cooperative Library Programs

Section 19n - Rules and Regulations

Section 20 - Librarians; Appointment; Examination; Registration

Section 21 - Inapplicability of Certain Sections to Cities

Section 22 - Certification of Librarians

Section 23 - Board Meetings; Quorum

Section 24 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 22 to 31

Section 25 - Rules and Regulations

Section 27 - Clerical Assistance, etc.; Expenditures

Section 28 - Duties of Board

Section 29 - Librarians; Qualifications

Section 30 - Fees

Section 31 - Status of Existing Librarians; Certificates

Section 32 - Library Staff Members; Leaves of Absence for Study or Research

Section 33 - Policy for Selection and Use of Library Materials and Facilities

Section 34 - Employment Contracts for Library Employees