Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 94a - Milk Control
Section 19 - Publication of Notice of Hearings, Orders, Rules and Regulations; Certification of Orders; Service of Subpoena; Service of Attested Copies

Section 19. (a) Each notice of a general hearing and each general order, rule or regulation adopted by the commissioner, shall be published by
(1) Posting a copy thereof for public inspection in the main office of the commissioner;
(2) Mailing a copy thereof, postage prepaid, addressed to each licensee deemed by the commissioner to be affected thereby at his principal business address in the commonwealth as appearing in the records of the commissioner, and to the clerk of each city and town, and to the county agricultural agent, if any, of each county, deemed by the commissioner to be affected thereby;
(3) Mailing a copy thereof, postage prepaid, addressed to each person who has filed with the commission a written request, upon a form approved by the commissioner and supplied by the director, that a copy of each notice of general hearing and of each general order, rule or regulation affecting a specified market or markets be mailed to him at an address given in such form of request; and
(4) Mailing, postage postpaid, or delivering a copy thereof, and in the case of an order, rule or regulation, a copy of a release relative thereto, to: state house press room, state house news service, any news reporting service which has filed with the commissioner written request for a copy of each notice of general hearing and general order, rule or regulation issued by the commissioner, and such other newspaper or newspapers published or circulating in the market or markets affected as in the judgment of the commissioner will afford sufficient notice and publicity thereof; and
(5) In the case of each notice of general hearing, also by advertisement in such newspaper or newspapers as, in the judgment of the commission, will afford sufficient notice to the public thereof.
(b) A general order, rule or regulation duly adopted by the commission, posted and published as provided by subsection (a) of this section shall, upon being filed with the state secretary as required by section thirty-seven of chapter thirty, have the force and effect of law. A copy of any such general order, rule or regulation certified by the state secretary to have been filed in his office shall be received in proceedings before any court or before the commissioner as prima facie evidence that such order, rule or regulation was duly adopted, posted, published and filed as required by law.
(c) Each notice of a special hearing, each subpoena and each special order, rule or regulation applying only to one or more persons named therein, issued by the commissioner, shall be served on the person or persons affected, by
(1) Mailing by registered mail, postage prepaid, an attested copy thereof addressed to each applicant or licensee affected, at his principal business address in the commonwealth as appearing in the records of the commissioner, and to each other person affected thereby at his last known address; or
(2) Delivering such a copy in hand to, or leaving such a copy at the last and usual place of abode in the commonwealth of, each individual affected thereby, and, in the case of service of a notice or special order, rule or regulation on a corporation, by delivering such a copy to the president, treasurer, clerk, cashier, secretary, agent or other officer in charge of its business, or, if no such officer is found, by leaving such a copy at its principal office or place of business within the commonwealth.
(d) Service by delivery of an attested copy pursuant to subsection (c) of this section may be made by any employee of the department, at any place within the commonwealth, or by any constable or other officer authorized to serve civil process at the place of delivery, or, in the case of a subpoena, by any disinterested person. The verified return by the individual delivering any such copy setting forth the manner of such service, or the return post office receipt therefore when mailed by registered mail shall be proof of service of the same.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XV - Regulation of Trade

Chapter 94a - Milk Control

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Powers and Duties of Commissioner

Section 3 - Enforcement of Chapter by Chief; Appeal; Hearing; Notice

Section 4 - Licensing of Milk Dealers; Exception; Licenses for Schools, Hospitals and Charitable Institutions

Section 5 - Application for License; Contents; Renewals; Display

Section 6 - Licenses; Renewals; Suspension; Revocation; Conditional Licenses; Hearing; Notice

Section 7 - Hearing; Delivery and Return of Revoked or Cancelled License

Section 8 - Appeal by Applicant or Licensee of Decision of Commissioner; Jurisdiction of Superior Court

Section 9 - Annual License Fee

Section 10 - Prices, Terms and Conditions Relative to Milk; Investigations; Hearings; Matters Considered; Minimum Prices

Section 11 - Orders Fixing Minimum Prices to Producers and Consumers; Application of Orders; Rules and Regulations

Section 12 - Declaration of Existence of Emergency; Petition and Order Establishing Minimum Prices; Review; Notice

Section 12a - Payment Less Than Minimum Price; Recovery; Assignment of Claim

Section 13 - Entry on Premises for Inspection; Reports; Results of Inspection; Definitions

Section 14 - Purchase, Sale or Distribution of Milk Below Price Fixed or Below Cost; Rebates

Section 14a - Contracts for the Supplying of Milk for Use in Institutions Supported by Funds of the Commonwealth; Invitations to Bid and Bidding Procedures; Reports; Tests

Section 15 - Sale by Co-Operative Associations; Statement of Deductions

Section 16 - Examinations; Investigations; General or Special Hearings; Opportunity to Appear and Be Heard; Evidence

Section 17 - Time of Notice of Hearings, Orders, Rules and Regulations

Section 18 - Attendance and Testimony of Witnesses; Production of Books and Records; Administration of Oaths; Subpoenas; Excuse From Attendance; Witness Fees

Section 19 - Publication of Notice of Hearings, Orders, Rules and Regulations; Certification of Orders; Service of Subpoena; Service of Attested Copies

Section 21 - Review; Jurisdiction of Superior Court; Injunction; Declaratory Judgment

Section 22 - Penalties; Report of Violation; Investigation; Action; Injunction

Section 22a - Construction and Enforcement of Chapter; Acts or Omissions of Officers or Agents Acting for Principal

Section 23 - Agreements, Licenses, Rules, Regulations or Orders in Conflict With Federal Law

Section 24 - Uniform Milk Control; Co-Operation With United States and Other States; Enactment of Compact by Congress; Delegation Formed

Section 25 - Public Interest; Intention and Purpose of Statute

Section 26 - Partial Invalidity

Section 27 - Short Title