Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 49 - Fences, Fence Viewers, Pounds and Field Drivers
Section 18 - Fence Viewers; Powers

Section 18. Fence viewers, when called upon to act under any section of this chapter, may determine whether a partition fence is required.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VII - Cities, Towns and Districts

Chapter 49 - Fences, Fence Viewers, Pounds and Field Drivers

Section 1 - Fence Viewers; Appointment; Tenure

Section 2 - Definition of Fences

Section 3 - Maintenance of Partition Fences

Section 4 - Failure to Maintain Partition Fence; Proceedings by Adjoining Occupant

Section 5 - Remedy for Repair of Deficient Fence

Section 6 - Disputes Regarding Repairs; Arbitration

Section 7 - Remedy for Repair of Deficient Fence Assigned by Fence Viewers

Section 8 - Remedy for Repairing More Than Just Share of Partition Fence

Section 9 - Construction and Maintenance of Fences Between Lands Divided by a River

Section 10 - Fences on Lands Owned in Severalty and Occupied in Common; Construction

Section 11 - Maintenance of Fences Surrounding Land Laying Common

Section 12 - Purchase of Rights in Fence

Section 13 - Enclosing of Formerly Unenclosed Land; Liability of Owner; Exception

Section 14 - Boundary Disputes

Section 15 - Rebuilding of Fence on True Boundary; Duties of Adjoining Owners

Section 16 - Fence Viewers; Jurisdiction Where Fence Is on Town Boundary

Section 17 - Water Fences

Section 18 - Fence Viewers; Powers

Section 19 - Penalty for Misfeasance

Section 20 - Fees

Section 21 - Fences Deemed a Private Nuisance; Right of Action

Section 22 - Pounds; Establishment; Appointment of Keeper

Section 23 - Pounds; Penalty for Injuring

Section 24 - Duties of Field Driver; Taking Up Untended Animals

Section 25 - Duties of Keeper; Impounding of Untended Animals

Section 26 - Fees of Field Driver and Pound Keeper

Section 27 - Payment of Fees

Section 28 - Use of Premises of Field Driver for Keeping Impounded Animals; Conditions

Section 29 - Remedies for Damage Done by Untended Animals

Section 30 - Care of Distrained Animals

Section 31 - Duties of Distrainor

Section 32 - Release of Distrained Animals; Conditions

Section 33 - Notice of Impounding

Section 34 - Publication of Notice of Impounding

Section 35 - Determination of Amount of Damages in Dispute

Section 36 - Procedure for Settlement of Claim

Section 37 - Sale of Animals to Satisfy Claim

Section 38 - Disposition of Proceeds

Section 39 - Escaped or Rescued Animals; Right to Retake

Section 40 - Penalty for Rescuing Distrained Animals

Section 41 - Rights of Owner in Distress Proceedings