Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 40u - Municipal Fines
Section 16 - Effect of Failure to Pay, Request Hearing or Appear

Section 16. Any person who has received a notice of violation issued in accordance with this chapter who, within the prescribed time, fails to pay the same or fails to request a hearing before the municipal hearing officer or who fails to appear at the time and place of the hearing, shall be deemed responsible for the violation as stated in the notice of violation. Such finding of responsibility shall be considered prima facie evidence of the violation in a civil proceeding regarding that violation and shall be admissible as evidence in a subsequent criminal proceeding. If a person fails to appear at the scheduled hearing without good cause, the appeal shall be dismissed and the violator shall waive any further right of appeal. If the condition which caused the notice of violation to issue continues to exist, the finding of responsibility may also be used by a municipality as prima facie evidence of the existence of a violation in any proceeding to suspend or revoke any license, permit or certificate issued by such municipality relative to that building, structure or premises pending the correction of the condition.