Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 132a - State Recreation Areas Outside of the Metropolitan Parks District
Section 15 - Prohibited Activities in Ocean Sanctuaries

Section 15. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the following activities shall be prohibited in an ocean sanctuary:
(1) the building of any structure on the seabed or under the subsoil;
(2) the construction or operation of offshore or floating electric generating stations, except: (a) on an emergency and temporary basis for the supply of energy when the electric generating station is otherwise consistent with an ocean management plan; or (b) for appropriate-scale renewable energy facilities, as defined by an ocean management plan promulgated pursuant to section 4C of chapter 21A, in areas other than the Cape Cod Ocean Sanctuary; provided, however, that (i) the renewable energy facility is otherwise consistent with an ocean management plan; (ii) siting of all such facilities shall take into account all relevant factors, including but not limited to, protection of the public trust, compatibility with existing uses, proximity to the shoreline, appropriateness of technology and scale, environmental protection, public safety and community benefit; and (iii) in municipalities where regional planning agencies have regulatory authority, a regional planning agency shall define the appropriate scale of offshore renewable energy facilities and review such facilities as developments of regional impact, and the applicant may seek review of the regional planning agency's development of regional impact determination, but not its determination of appropriate scale, pursuant to the authority of the energy facilities siting board to issue certificates of environmental impact and public interest pursuant to sections 69K to 69O, inclusive, of chapter 164;
(3) the drilling or removal of any sand, gravel or other minerals, gases or oils;
(4) the dumping or discharge of commercial, municipal, domestic or industrial wastes; provided, however, that the department may approve a new or modified discharge of municipal wastewater from a POTW in accordance with section 16G;
(5) commercial advertising; or
(6) the incineration of solid waste or refuse on, or in, vessels moored or afloat within the boundaries of an ocean sanctuary.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XIX - Agriculture and Conservation

Chapter 132a - State Recreation Areas Outside of the Metropolitan Parks District

Section 1 - Bequests, Restitutions or Gifts; Conservation Trust

Section 1b - Director of State Parks and Recreation

Section 1c - Bureau of Forest Fire Control; Bureau of Forestry; Bureau of Recreation; Chiefs

Section 1d - Duties of Bureau of Forest Fire Control

Section 1e - Duties of Bureau of Recreation; Expenses

Section 1f - Duties of Bureau of Forestry

Section 1g - Absence or Disability of Chiefs

Section 1h - Duties of Director of the Division of State Parks and Recreation

Section 2 - Assumption of Care and Maintenance of Park or Reservation Outside Urban Park District

Section 2a - Long-Term Programs; Powers of Commissioner

Section 2b - Nature of Use of Acquired Lands

Section 2c - Planning, Construction and Maintenance

Section 2d - Development and Improvement; Powers of Commissioner

Section 3 - Purchase or Lease of Land Lying Outside of Urban Parks District; Recreational Facilities

Section 3a - Eminent Domain; Exercise of Power

Section 3b - Acquisition of Rights by Prescription or Adverse Possession

Section 7 - Rules and Regulations; Concessions; Powers and Duties of Forest Supervisors, Park Superintendents and Laborers

Section 7a - Chief Park Ranger; Park Rangers; Violations of Environmental Regulations; Non-Criminal Disposition

Section 7b - Stolen, Lost, or Abandoned Property

Section 7c - Sale by Public Auction

Section 7d - Notice of Sale

Section 7e - Sale of Property, if Perishable or Liable to Deteriorate

Section 7f - Proceeds of Sale

Section 7g - Payment to Owner

Section 8 - Assistance of Director to Boards and Commissions

Section 9 - Annual Report

Section 11 - Conservation Program for Cities and Towns; Establishment

Section 111/2 - Conservation Program for Nonprofit Corporations; Establishment

Section 12 - Appalachian Trail

Section 12a - Massachusetts Ocean Sanctuaries Act

Section 12b - Definitions

Section 12c - Regulations; Integration of Act With Other Programs and Agencies

Section 13 - Ocean and Bay Sanctuaries; Cape Cod, Cape Cod Bay, Cape and Islands, North Shore, South Essex; Landward Boundaries

Section 14 - Care, Control, and Protection of Sanctuaries

Section 15 - Prohibited Activities in Ocean Sanctuaries

Section 16 - Permitted Activities in Ocean Sanctuaries

Section 16g - Publicly Owned Treatment Works; New or Modified Discharge Into Ocean Sanctuaries; Prerequisites

Section 16h - Discharges Within Estuaries or Coastal Embayments

Section 16i - New or Modified Discharge Into Ocean Sanctuaries; Application Requirements

Section 16j - New or Modified Discharge Into Ocean Sanctuaries; Notice; Hearing; Decision; Effective Date

Section 16k - New or Modified Discharge Conditions

Section 17 - Squannacook and Nissitissit Rivers Sanctuary

Section 18 - Permits, Approvals, Certificates and Licenses; Ocean Development Mitigation Fee