Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 85 - Regulations and By-Laws Relative to Ways and Bridges
Section 14a - Funeral Processions

Section 14A. (a) For purposes of this section, the following words shall have the following meanings:—
''Funeral directing'', the business, practice or profession, as commonly practiced, of (a) directing or supervising funerals or providing funeral service; (b) handling or encasing, or providing services for handling or encasing, dead human bodies, and preparation of dead human bodies, otherwise than by embalming, for burial or disposal; (c) providing embalming services; (d) providing transportation, interment and disinterment of dead human bodies; and (e) maintaining an establishment so located, constructed and equipped as to permit the decent and sanitary handling of dead human bodies with suitable equipment in such establishment for such handling.
''Funeral director'', any person engaged, or holding himself out as engaged, in the business, practice or profession of funeral directing.
''Funeral escort'', a person or entity that provides vehicle escort services for funeral processions, including, but not limited to, law enforcement personnel.
''Funeral escort vehicle'', a vehicle operated by a funeral escort.
''Funeral home'', a ''licensed funeral establishment'' as defined in regulations of the board of registration in embalming and funeral directing.
''Funeral lead vehicle'', any motor vehicle, including a funeral hearse, leading and facilitating the movement of a funeral procession.
''Funeral procession'', 2 or more vehicles accompanying the body or the cremated remains of a deceased person, in the daylight hours, including a funeral lead vehicle or a funeral escort vehicle.
(b)(1) Operators of vehicles in a funeral procession must exercise due care while driving in a funeral procession. A vehicle in a funeral procession may follow the preceding vehicle in the funeral procession as closely as is practicable and safe.
(2) The operator of a motor vehicle in a funeral procession shall not drive the vehicle at a speed greater than 55 miles per hour on a highway where the posted speed limit is 55 miles per hour or more or greater than 5 miles per hour below the posted speed limit on a street or road that is not a highway.
(3) A vehicle being operated in any funeral procession must have its headlights and taillights illuminated.
(4) The turn signals must be flashing simultaneously as warning lights on a vehicle that is the first vehicle in a funeral procession and on a vehicle which the operator has reason to believe is the last vehicle in the funeral procession.
(c)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (4) of this subsection, pedestrians and operators of all vehicles shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle which is part of a funeral procession being led by a funeral escort vehicle or a funeral lead vehicle.
(2) Whenever the funeral escort vehicle or funeral lead vehicle in a funeral procession lawfully enters an intersection, either by reason of a traffic control device or at the direction of law enforcement personnel, the remaining vehicles in the funeral procession may continue to follow the funeral lead vehicle through the intersection despite any traffic control device, general law or ordinance to the contrary relative to right-of-way, if the operator of each vehicle exercises reasonable care toward other vehicles and any pedestrians on the roadway.
(3) Except as provided in paragraph (4) of this subsection, an operator of a funeral escort vehicle may, while exercising due care, direct operators of other vehicles in a funeral procession to proceed through an intersection or to make turns or other movements despite any traffic control device signal to the contrary.
(4) A funeral procession shall have the right-of-way at intersections regardless of traffic control devices subject to the following conditions and exceptions:
(i) operators of vehicles in a funeral procession shall yield the right-of-way to an approaching emergency vehicle emitting an audible siren or flashing emergency lights;
(ii) operators of vehicles in a funeral procession shall yield the right-of-way when directed to do so by law enforcement personnel; and
(iii) operators of vehicles in a funeral procession must exercise due care when participating in a funeral procession.
(d) An operator of a vehicle that is not part of a funeral procession shall not:
(1) drive between the vehicles forming a funeral procession while the vehicles are in motion except when authorized to do so by law enforcement personnel or when driving an authorized emergency vehicle emitting an audible siren or flashing emergency lights;
(2) join a funeral procession to secure the right-of-way as granted by subsection (c);
(3) pass a funeral procession on a multiple lane highway on the funeral procession's right side unless the funeral procession is in the farthest left lane; or
(4) enter an intersection, even if the operator is facing a green traffic control signal when a funeral procession is proceeding through a red traffic control signal at the intersection as permitted under subsection (c), unless the operator may do so without crossing the path of the funeral procession. If the red signal changes to green while the funeral procession is within the intersection, the operator of the vehicle facing the green may proceed, subject to the right-of-way of a vehicle participating in a funeral procession.
(5) a vehicle owned by a funeral home establishment or a licensed or registered certified funeral director, and operated by a funeral director, an employee or an independent contractor of a funeral home may have mounted thereon flashing, rotating or oscillating lights as may be assigned by the registrar of motor vehicles. Such lights shall only be displayed when such owner or operator is proceeding in a funeral procession and at no other time.
(e)(1) Liability for any death, personal injury or property damage suffered by any person in a funeral procession shall not be imposed upon the funeral director, funeral home, funeral escort or their employees or agents if the funeral procession was operating in accordance with subsections (b) to (d), inclusive, or would have been operating in such compliance but for the failure of the operator of one or more vehicles in the funeral procession to exercise due care.
(2) Liability for any death, personal injury or property damage that results from, is caused by or arises out of any action or inaction of any operator of a vehicle in a funeral procession under the control of a funeral director, funeral home, funeral escort or their employees or agents shall not be imposed on such funeral director, funeral home, funeral escort or their employees or agents if the funeral procession was operating in accordance with subsections (b) to (d), inclusive, or would have been operating in such compliance but for the operator of 1 or more vehicles in the funeral procession not exercising due care.
(3) This subsection shall not apply if the death, personal injury or property damage allegedly arose from a negligent act or omission in the operation of a vehicle by the funeral director, funeral home, funeral escort or their employees or agents. The operator of a vehicle in a funeral procession shall not be deemed to be an agent of the funeral director, funeral home or funeral escort unless such operator is an employee of the funeral director, funeral home or funeral escort and is acting in the course of his employment, or unless the operator was retained as an independent contractor of the funeral director, funeral home or funeral escort and is performing services therefore.
(f) This section shall not create a new cause of action or substantive legal rights against any funeral director, funeral home, funeral escort or their employees or agents. This section shall not affect any immunities from civil liability or defenses established by general law or any immunity from civil liabilities or defense available at common law to which a funeral director, funeral home, funeral escort or their employees or agents may be entitled.
(g) A funeral procession of not more than 10 vehicles shall have the right, except on Sundays and legal holidays, to use any parkway, boulevard or other public way to the same extent and subject to the same regulations and restrictions as vehicles commonly known as pleasure vehicles.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XIV - Public Ways and Works

Chapter 85 - Regulations and By-Laws Relative to Ways and Bridges

Section 1 - Direction Signs; Erection and Maintenance by Cities and Towns

Section 2 - Traffic Signs or Devices; Erection and Maintenance; Rules and Regulations

Section 2a - Removal of Vehicles Interfering With Snow and Ice Removal

Section 2b - Limited Access and Express State Highways; Regulation of Use

Section 2c - Towing of Vehicles From State Highways

Section 2d - Signs on State Highways Indicating Availability of Certain Services

Section 2e - Regulations to Exclude Persons and Vehicles From State Highways; Prohibition of Low-Speed Vehicles on Certain Highways

Section 3 - Change of Name of Ways or Parks; Appeal

Section 3a - Approval of Name for Way Other Than Public Way in City or Town

Section 3b - Changing of Name of Way

Section 4 - Construction of Sidewalks by Adjoining Landowners

Section 5 - Removal of Snow and Ice From Sidewalks by Abutting Landowners; Penalties

Section 6 - Assessment of Cost of Removal of Snow and Ice From Sidewalks

Section 7 - Exemption From Assessment by Agreement of Owner to Remove Snow and Ice

Section 7a - Storage and Use of Snow Removal Chemicals; Regulations; Reports; Penalty

Section 7b - Depositing Snow on State Highways

Section 8 - Permits for Signs and Other Structures Projecting Into or Over Ways

Section 9 - Permits; Exemption of Certain Structures

Section 9a - Flashing Lights on Billboards, etc.; Discontinuance Orders; Penalties; Exceptions

Section 10 - Regulation of Use of Ways; Penalties

Section 10a - Coasting on Ways in Cities

Section 11 - Arrest Without Warrant for Driving at Excessive Speed

Section 11b - Bicycles; Operation and Equipment; Regulations; Federal Product Safety Standards, Effect; Races; Violations; Penalties

Section 11b.5 - Mandatory Helmet Use for Persons 16 Years of Age or Younger

Section 11d - Bicycle Helmets; Display of Sign Requiring Use

Section 11e - Traffic Law Violations by Bicyclist

Section 14a - Funeral Processions

Section 14b - Flares; Use by Certain Commercial Vehicles

Section 15 - Lights on Vehicles

Section 16 - Duty of Driver at Night to Give Name to Officer on Request

Section 17 - Penalty for Violation of Sec. 15 or 16

Section 17a - Soliciting From Vehicles on Public Ways

Section 17b - Riding on Rear or Side of Street Railway Car, Motor Bus or Trackless Trolley

Section 18 - Moving of Buildings in Public Way

Section 19 - Leading, Driving, or Conveying Dangerous Wild Animals on Public Ways

Section 20 - Regulation of Speed on County Bridges

Section 21 - Regulation of Speed on Town Bridges

Section 21a - Warning Signs on State Highways for Protection of School Children

Section 22 - Regulation of Speed on Incorporated Bridges

Section 23 - Regulation of Travel on State Ways; Penalties

Section 24 - Posting of Regulations on Bridges

Section 25 - Jurisdiction of District Court Over Bridges

Section 26 - Drawbridges

Section 27 - Duties of Draw Tender

Section 28 - Liability of Owners of Vessel for Injury to Bridge

Section 29 - Removal of Vessel Obstructing Draw

Section 30 - Injury to Surface of Way; Traction Engines and Heavy Vehicles; Permits; Regulations; Liability

Section 30a - Permit for Certain Vehicles Exceeding Weight Limitations to Operate on Through Routes; Application; Notice of Approval or Disapproval; Violations; Revocation or Suspension of Permit

Section 31 - Speed of Heavy Vehicles With Metallic Tires

Section 32 - Penalties for Violations of Secs. 30, 30a, and 31

Section 33 - Scope of Secs. 30 to 32

Section 34 - Protection of Bridges From Heavy Loads

Section 35 - Approval by Department of Public Works of Construction of Highway Bridges; Liability for Damages to Bridges

Section 36 - Construction and Loading of Vehicles to Prevent Dropping of Load on Way; Penalty

Section 37 - Indemnity Provision in Motor Carrier Transportation Contracts Void and Unenforceable