Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 45 - Public Parks, Playgrounds and the Public Domain
Section 14 - Playgrounds; Acquisition; Use; Management

Section 14. Any city or town may acquire land and buildings within its limits by gift or purchase, or by eminent domain under chapter seventy-nine, or may lease the same, or may use suitable land or buildings already owned by it, for the purposes of a public playground or recreation centre, and may conduct and promote recreation, play, sport and physical education, for which admission may be charged, on such land and in such buildings, and may construct buildings on land owned or leased by it and may provide equipment for said purposes. Land and buildings so acquired, leased or constructed may be used also for town meetings, and, with the consent of, and subject to the conditions and terms prescribed by, the officer or board in control of the land or building, may be used by the municipality, or by any department thereof, or by any person, society or other organization for such other public, recreational, social or educational purposes as the said officer or board may deem proper. The foregoing provisions shall apply to land and buildings acquired for playground purposes, or for park and playground purposes, but shall not apply to land and buildings acquired solely for park purposes. For the purposes aforesaid, any city or town may appropriate money, and may employ teachers, supervisors and other officers, and may fix their compensation. Except in Boston and except as to the making of appropriations, the powers conferred by this section shall be exercised by the board of park commissioners, or by the school committee, or by the planning board, or by a playground or recreation commission appointed by the mayor in a city or by the selectmen or town moderator in a town, or elected by the voters of the town at a town meeting; or may be distributed among the board of park commissioners, the school committee, the planning board and such playground or recreation commission, or among any two or more of them; or they may be exercised by a committee consisting of one member each designated by all or any one of said boards or commissions, together with two or more members at large appointed by the mayor or selectmen or town moderator, or elected by the voters, accordingly as the city council or the town may decide. Any municipal officer or board authorized to exercise any of the powers conferred by this section may, within or without the city or town limits, conduct its activities on property under its control, on other public property under the control of other public officers or boards, with the consent of such officers or boards, or on private property, with the consent of the owners. Two or more towns may severally vote to establish co-operative arrangements between those towns for the provision and operation of recreational facilities and programs of mutual benefit to their citizens. The management and control of such facilities and programs and the apportionment of the expenses for their maintenance and support shall be provided for by the authorized recreation agencies of the participating towns. The provisions of section fifteen or sixteen shall not be construed to apply to any city or town because of any action taken under this section.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VII - Cities, Towns and Districts

Chapter 45 - Public Parks, Playgrounds and the Public Domain

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Board of Park Commissioners; Membership; Tenure; Vacancies; Removals

Section 3 - Acquisition of Property for Parks

Section 4 - Connecting Ways; Extent of Power of Eminent Domain

Section 5 - Powers and Duties of Boards of Park Commissioners

Section 5a - Leasing of Concessions; Bids

Section 6 - Funds Received for Betterments; Disposition

Section 7 - Erection of Buildings in Parks

Section 8 - Use of Parks by Military Forces

Section 9 - Annual Reports of Park Commissioners

Section 11 - Restrictions on Height of Buildings on Parkways

Section 12 - Authorization for Improvement of Open Spaces

Section 13 - Trespassing in Parks; Destruction of Park Property; Penalty

Section 14 - Playgrounds; Acquisition; Use; Management

Section 15 - Playgrounds for Minors

Section 16 - Procedure for Accepting Law Requiring Playgrounds for Minors

Section 17 - Temporary Playgrounds

Section 17a - Use of Streets for Recreation or Playground Purposes

Section 18 - Persons Entitled to Use Playgrounds

Section 18a - Chain Link Metal Basketball Nets Prohibited

Section 19 - Acquisition of Property; Use

Section 20 - Method of Acquisition

Section 21 - City or Town Forests; Management

Section 22 - Buildings; Erection; Lease

Section 23 - Limitation on Use of Funds

Section 23a - Petition for Shore Reservation

Section 23b - Submission of Plans and Estimates of Cost of Shore Reservation

Section 23c - Taking or Acquisition of Land for Establishment of Shore Reservation

Section 24 - Penalty for Violation of Rules and Regulations Made Under Authority of Chapter

Section 25 - Posting of Emergency Numbers at Ice Skating Facilities