Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 23b - Department of Housing and Community Development
Section 12 - Urban Job Incentive Bureau; Programs

Section 12. There shall be in the Massachusetts office of business development an urban job incentive bureau. The bureau shall initiate, organize, develop and coordinate a statewide manpower employment assistance and training program designed to enlarge and improve the skills of the work force, especially those within urban areas containing sections of substantial poverty.
In the development of such a manpower program, the bureau shall coordinate with all existing state agencies including, but not limited to, the division of apprentice training in the department of labor and workforce development, the bureau of vocational education in the department of education and the rehabilitation commission, and with all individual or agency manpower and training programs sponsored, directed or funded by the federal government operating within the commonwealth. The bureau shall keep an inventory of all such programs and make an evaluation of their applicability to persons from sections of substantial poverty and the numbers of persons placed in employment during and immediately after the completion of each respective program. It shall, from time to time, determine and designate eligible sections of substantial poverty and it shall approve and certify the training or assistance programs which are to be utilized or undertaken by an eligible business facility.
In addition, it shall submit to the governor and the general court on or before the first Wednesday in December, nineteen hundred and seventy-one, and on an annual basis thereafter, a recommended program for improving state manpower development programs, especially in urban areas containing sections of substantial poverty. In developing such a program, it shall consider, but not be limited to, the advisability and feasibility of adopting or assisting in the adoption of new or more practical methods of vocational training and guidance, rehabilitation methods, special transportation opportunities, training allowances, support for special recruitment by existing agencies and other means of further involving private and public employers in employing persons from areas containing sections of substantial poverty.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 23b - Department of Housing and Community Development

Section 1 - Department of Housing and Community Development; Appointment, Duties and Salary of Director

Section 2 - Divisions; Associate Directors; Public Instrumentalities

Section 3 - Powers and Duties

Section 4 - Bureaus; Department's Description of Organization; Bureau Chiefs

Section 5a - Housing Appeals Committee

Section 5b - Joint Task Force on Housing for Persons With Disabilities

Section 6 - Annual Report; Regulations

Section 7 - Gifts or Grants

Section 8 - Employees; Staff Officers; Appointment and Removal

Section 9 - Certifications on Validity or Guaranty of Bonds or Notes of Housing Authorities and Authenticity of Documents on File

Section 10 - Construction

Section 10a - Contracts for Non-Interest Bearing Advances to Housing Authorities; Construction of Low Rent Housing Projects; Findings; Reimbursement

Section 11 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 12 to 15

Section 12 - Urban Job Incentive Bureau; Programs

Section 13 - Eligible Business Facility; Requirements

Section 13a - Eligible Section of Substantial Poverty

Section 14 - Certificate of Eligible Business Facility; Application

Section 15 - Issuance of Certificate of Eligible Business Facility; Requirements

Section 24 - Community Action Agencies; Structure; Qualification; Contracts; Applicability of Section

Section 24a - Fuel Assistance and Weatherization Assistance Programs; Coordination

Section 24b - Low-Income Sewer and Water Assistance Program

Section 25 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 26 to 27

Section 26 - Public Purpose for State Assisted Rental Housing

Section 27 - Contracts With Rental Housing Project Sponsors for Financial Assistance; Loans; Findings

Section 29 - Confidentiality of Community Development Block Grant Application Materials

Section 30 - Emergency Housing Assistance Program