Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 12 - Department of the Attorney General, and the District Attorneys
Section 11l - Unlicensed Mental Health and Unlicensed Health Professionals; Sexual Contact With Patients or Clients; Temporary Restraining Order, Injunction; Violation; Penalty

Section 11L. (a) As used in this section, the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings:—
''Former patient'', any person who obtained a professional consultation, diagnostic or therapeutic service from an unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional within one year prior to sexual contact with the unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional.
''Health services'', shall include the rendering or offering to render services for the purpose of treating or diagnosing physical disorders or distress.
''Mental health services'', shall include the rendering or offering to render services for the purpose of treating, diagnosing or assessing mental or emotional disorders or distress, modifying behaviors, or alleviating problems pertaining to interpersonal relationships, work and life adjustment, and personal effectiveness which are caused by mental or emotional disorders or distress.
''Patient'', any person who obtains a professional consultation, diagnostic, or therapeutic service from an unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional.
''Sexual contact'', shall include the following, whether or not occurring with the consent of a patient or former patient:
(1) sexual intercourse, cunnilingus, fellatio, anal intercourse or any intrusion, however slight, into the genital or anal openings of the patient's or former patient's body by any object used by the unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional for that purpose, or any intrusion, however slight, into the genital or anal openings of the body of the unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional by any part of the patient's or former patient's body or by any object used by the patient or former patient for that purpose, if consented to by the unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional;
(2) sustained kissing of the mouth or kissing or intentional touching by the unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional of the patient's or former patient's genital area, groin, inner thigh, buttocks, or breast or the clothing covering any of these body parts; or sustained kissing of the mouth or kissing or intentional touching by the patient or former patient of the unlicensed mental health professional's or unlicensed health professional's genital area, groin, inner thigh, buttocks or breast or the clothing covering any of these body parts if the unlicensed mental health professional or unlicensed health professional consents to the kissing or intentional touching. The term sexual contact, shall not include conduct described in the definition of sexual contact that is in accordance with practices generally recognized as legitimate by the health or mental health professions, casual social contact not intended to be sexual in character, or inadvertent or unintentional touching.
''Unlicensed health professional'', a person who is not licensed or registered to provide health services by a board of registration duly authorized to grant licenses or registration to persons engaged in the practice of providing health services or whose license or registration to provide health services has been returned or revoked by such board.
''Unlicensed mental health professional'', a person who is not licensed or registered to provide mental health services by a board of registration duly authorized to grant licenses or registration to persons engaged in the practice of providing mental health services or whose license or registration to provide mental health services has been returned or revoked by such board.
(b) Whenever the attorney general has probable cause to believe that an unlicensed mental health professional or unlicensed health professional is having or has had sexual contact with one or more patients or clients while such health professional or mental health professional was licensed or unlicensed, or former patients or clients, and that said unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional poses a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of members of the public who are or may be patients or clients of the unlicensed health or unlicensed mental health professional, the attorney general may bring an action in the name of the commonwealth against said unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional to restrain by temporary restraining order or preliminary or permanent injunction said unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional from providing, offering to provide, or representing himself as being able to provide health services or mental health services.
At least five days prior to the commencement of any action brought under this section, except when a temporary restraining order is sought, the attorney general shall notify the unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional of his intended action, and give said unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional an opportunity to confer with the attorney general or his representative in person or by counsel or other representative as to the proposed action.
Such notice shall be given by mail, postage prepaid, to his usual place of business, or if he has no usual place of business, to his last known address.
(c) The action may be brought either in the superior court for the county in which the conduct complained of occurred or in the superior court for the county in which the unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional resides or has his principal place of business.
Said court may issue temporary restraining orders or preliminary or permanent injunctions and make such other orders or judgments as it may deem appropriate.
(d) No injunction shall be issued pursuant to this section unless the court finds that the defendant has had an opportunity for an evidentiary hearing as to all contested material issues of fact. Issues decided in a prior evidentiary hearing in a court or in an administrative proceeding may be applied to a proceeding pursuant to this section in compliance with the Massachusetts Civil Rules of Procedure.
The court issuing an injunction against an unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional pursuant to this section shall retain jurisdiction, and the cause shall be continued. Any unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional who is restrained as a result of an action brought pursuant to this section may petition the court for a modification or termination of the injunction, upon ten days notice to the attorney general.
(e) Any district attorney or other law enforcement office receiving notice of any alleged violation of this section or violation of an injunction or order issued in an action brought under this section shall immediately forward written notice of the same together with any information that he may have to the office of the attorney general.
(f) In an action brought pursuant to this section, whenever the court issues a temporary restraining order or a preliminary or permanent injunction, ordering a defendant to refrain from certain conduct or activities, the order issued shall contain the following statement:
The clerk shall transmit two certified copies of each such order issued under this section to each appropriate law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over locations where such defendant is alleged to have committed the act giving rise to the action, and such law enforcement agency shall serve one copy of the order upon the defendant. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, service shall be by delivering a copy in hand to the defendant.
After any such order has been served upon the defendant, any violation of such order shall be punishable by a fine of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than two and one-half years in a house of correction, or both such fine and imprisonment.
Law enforcement agencies shall establish procedures adequate to ensure that all officers responsible for the enforcement of the order are informed of the existence and terms of such order. Whenever any law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that such defendant has violated the provisions of this section, such officer shall have the authority to arrest said defendant.
Whenever the court vacates a temporary restraining order or a preliminary or permanent injunction issued under this section, the clerk shall promptly notify in writing each appropriate law enforcement agency which has been notified of the issuance of the order and shall direct each such agency to destroy all record of such vacated order, and such agency shall comply with such directive.
(g) Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the attorney general in his discretion from beginning an action for civil contempt rather than seeking criminal charges for an alleged violation of an order issued under this section. A court making a finding that an unlicensed health professional or unlicensed mental health professional is in civil contempt by reason of an alleged violation of an injunction or the order entered under this section shall assess a civil penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars for each such violation found.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 12 - Department of the Attorney General, and the District Attorneys

Section 1 - Attorney General; Supervision of Department; Salary; Qualifications; Other Sources of Income

Section 2 - Assistants and Employees; Appointment; Duties; Compensation; Tenure; Vacancies

Section 2a - Attorney General; Disability; Filling Vacancies

Section 2b - Annual Personnel Report

Section 3 - Appearances for Commonwealth, Prosecution or Defense; Rendering of Legal Services; Payment of Expenses for Representation of Department of Transportation

Section 3e - Defense of Actions Against Officers or Employees

Section 4 - Claims of Commonwealth; Enforcement

Section 4a - Acceptance of Gifts or Grants of Money or Property

Section 5 - Civil Actions to Recover Money for Commonwealth

Section 5a - False Claims; Definitions Applicable to Secs. 5a to 5o

Section 5b - False Claims; Liability

Section 5c - Violations Under Secs. 5b to 5o; Investigation by Attorney General; Relators; Civil Actions

Section 5d - Prosecution by Attorney General; Relator's Right to Continue as Party to Action

Section 5e - Alternate Remedies Available to Determine Civil Penalty

Section 5f - Payments to Relators; Limitations

Section 5g - Actions Brought Against Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Treasurer, Secretary of State, etc.; Jurisdiction

Section 5h - Money Recovered by Commonwealth; False Claims Prosecution Fund

Section 5i - Awards of Attorney General Fees and Expenses; Awards of Costs and Attorney Fees Against Relators; Liability

Section 5j - Employers Preventing Employees From Acting to Further False Claim Actions; Liability

Section 5k - Limitation of Actions; Intervention by Attorney General; Final Judgments in Criminal Proceedings

Section 5l - Preponderance of the Evidence Standard

Section 5m - Rules, Regulations or Guidelines; Attorney General

Section 5n - Civil Investigative Demands; Attorney General

Section 5o - Agency Reporting Requirements

Section 6 - Consultation With and Giving of Advice and Assistance to District Attorneys

Section 6a - Conferences of District Attorneys and Other Officials; Notification as to New Laws

Section 7 - Persons Intruding on Land, Property or Rights of Commonwealth; Prosecution

Section 8 - Due Application of Charity Funds Enforced

Section 8a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 8a to 8m

Section 8b - Division of Public Charities; Duties

Section 8c - Director of Public Charities; Designation

Section 8d - Employees; Appointment and Removal

Section 8e - Charitable Corporations; Registration by Filing of Information; Exceptions; Penalties; Enforcement

Section 8f - Annual Reports of Public Charities; Financial Statements; Fees; Penalties; Enforcement

Section 8g - Attorney General as a Party; Service

Section 8h - Investigations by Attorney General

Section 8i - Compliance With Investigations; Enforcement; Penalties

Section 8j - Rules and Regulations

Section 8k - Gift for Public Charitable Purpose; Presumed Intention

Section 8l - Fiscal Records

Section 8m - Public Records; Inspection

Section 8n - Fees, Costs, Penalties and Other Monies; General Fund

Section 9 - Advice and Aid to General Court and Committees

Section 10 - Violations of Court Orders; Restraint of Trade; Institution of Investigations and Appropriate Actions

Section 11 - Annual Report of Cases Handled

Section 11a - Division of Civil Rights and Liberties

Section 11b - Board of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws; Obscene Literature Commission

Section 11c - Narcotic and Harmful Drugs; Training Program for Law Enforcement Officers

Section 11d - Division of Environmental Protection

Section 11e - Public Utilities; Office of Ratepayer Advocacy; Intervention in Legal Proceedings on Behalf of Consumers; Expenditure of Funds; Expert or Consultant; Information Requests

Section 11f - Insurance Companies; Intervention in Legal Proceedings on Behalf of Consumers; Expenditure of Funds

Section 11g - Local Consumer Aid Fund; Eligibility for Assistance

Section 11h - Violations of Constitutional Rights; Civil Actions by Attorney General; Venue; Compensatory Damages; Fees and Costs; Civil Penalties

Section 11i - Violations of Constitutional Rights; Civil Actions by Aggrieved Persons; Costs and Fees

Section 11j - Violations of Constitutional Rights; Temporary Restraining Orders and Injunctions; Violations; Punishment; Vacation of Order

Section 11k - Division of Victim Compensation and Assistance

Section 11l - Unlicensed Mental Health and Unlicensed Health Professionals; Sexual Contact With Patients or Clients; Temporary Restraining Order, Injunction; Violation; Penalty

Section 11m - Division of Gaming Enforcement

Section 11n - Monitoring Health Care Market Trends; Investigation of Unfair Methods of Competition or Anti-Competitive Behavior; Exemption or Waiver From Federal Law

Section 12 - District Attorneys; Qualifications; Election; Term; Appearances

Section 13 - Districts for Administration of Criminal Law or Defense of Civil Actions

Section 15 - Practice of Law Prohibited; Salary

Section 16 - Salaries of Assistant District Attorneys

Section 18 - Appointment of an Assistant to District Attorney; Compensation

Section 19 - Suffolk District; Appointment of Messengers and Other Employees

Section 20 - Additional Legal Assistants; Tenure; Compensation; Powers

Section 20a - Suffolk and Northern Districts; Special Assistant District Attorney, Appointment and Removal; Duties; Power; Salary

Section 20c - Special Assistant District Attorneys; Appointment, Removal and Salary; Participation in Federal Demonstration Programs

Section 20d - District Attorneys Association; Executive Director; Report on Criminally Prosecuted Child Abuse and Neglect Cases

Section 21 - Suffolk District; Police and Detective Service

Section 22 - Clerical and Stenographic Workers

Section 23 - Payment for Traveling Expenses; Exceptions

Section 24 - Expenses Payable by Commonwealth

Section 25 - Advanced Expenses; Conditions; Vouchers

Section 25a - Advance of Expenses Necessary in Performance of Duties; Limitation; Accounting; Unexpended Balance

Section 26 - Court Appointment of Substitute in Absence of Attorney General and District Attorney

Section 27 - District Attorneys; Duties; Control of Attorney General

Section 28 - Suits on Recognizances; Discontinuance

Section 29 - Accounting for Fees, Bills of Costs and Money Received

Section 30 - Fees for Services in Performance of Duty; Appearance in Civil Action

Section 32 - Community Based Juvenile Justice Programs; District Attorneys

Section 33 - Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Training Program for District Attorneys and Assistant District Attorneys

Section 34 - Pre-Arraignment Diversion Program

Section 35 - Student Loan Ombudsman