Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 132 - Forestry
Section 11 - Suppression of Moths, Caterpillars, Worms and Beetles and Any Invasive Plant or Animal Species; Rules and Regulations; Contracts; Studies for Control of Public Nuisances; Annual Recommendations

Section 11. The chief superintendent may, subject to the approval of the commissioner, make rules and regulations governing all operations by cities and towns or persons for the purpose of suppressing gypsy and brown tail moths, tent caterpillars, cankerworms, oriental hag moths, fall webworm, Japanese beetle, saddled prominent, pine looper, and elm leaf beetles, which destroy forest and shade tree foliage, diseases and leaf eating and sucking insects which damage forests and shade trees, the Dutch elm disease and the beetles which spread said disease, woodticks, and poison ivy growing within one hundred feet of any public way, and any invasive plant or animal species, diseases and insects which damage the health, safety or quality of forest, shade or other trees including, but not limited to, the Asian longhorned beetle or oak wilt, all of which are hereby declared to be public nuisances for the purposes of this chapter.
He may make contracts on behalf of the commonwealth; shall study and promote improved methods of suppressing such public nuisances; may act in co-operation with any person, any subdivision of the commonwealth, any other state, the United States, or any foreign government, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall act in co-operation with federal and state agencies engaged in the study or control of said public nuisances; may conduct investigations and gather and distribute information concerning such public nuisances; may advise, make use of and require the use of all lawful means of suppressing such public nuisances; may lease real estate when he deems it necessary; and with the approval of the authority in charge, may use any real or personal property of the commonwealth. He shall prepare for students or for the public such lectures, exhibits or information relative to such public nuisances as may be required; shall personally and by employees of the bureau of shade tree management and pest control supervise operations undertaken by cities and towns to suppress such nuisances, and the expenditure of funds therefor; and for such purposes may employ such assistants and agents, including expert advisers, as he deems necessary. For the purposes of this section he may expend such sums as may be appropriated or donated therefor but no expenditure shall be made or liability incurred in excess of such appropriations and donations. He shall annually recommend to the commissioner the financial liability, as described in section fourteen, of each city and town, to be appropriated by said city or town to be expended by the local superintendent for such suppression work within said city or town. No owner or occupant of an estate infested or infected by any of the aforesaid public nuisances shall by reason thereof be civilly or criminally liable except to the extent and in the manner and form set forth in this chapter.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XIX - Agriculture and Conservation

Chapter 132 - Forestry

Section 1 - Director of the Division of Forests and Parks; Duties

Section 1a - Chief Superintendent of the Bureau of Shade Tree Management and Pest Control; Powers and Duties

Section 2 - Bequests and Gifts; Forestry Trust

Section 3 - Forest Wardens; Payment for Investigations; Conventions

Section 4 - Annual Report of Commissioner of Natural Resources

Section 6 - Demonstrations in Proper Forestry Practices; Distribution of Trees; Co-Operation With Federal Government; Federal Funds; Employment of Technical Foresters

Section 7 - Labor on State Forests

Section 8 - Entry Upon Land to Control and Suppress Public Nuisances

Section 9 - Establishment and Maintenance of Nurseries for Propagation of Forest Tree Seedlings; Distribution of Seeds and Seedlings

Section 11 - Suppression of Moths, Caterpillars, Worms and Beetles and Any Invasive Plant or Animal Species; Rules and Regulations; Contracts; Studies for Control of Public Nuisances; Annual Recommendations

Section 12 - Interference With Suppression or Eradication of Asian Longhorned Beetle, Oak Wilt or Any Public Nuisance; Penalties; Injunctive Relief

Section 12a - Suppression of Public Nuisances on Land Under Control of Commonwealth

Section 13 - Local Superintendents of Shade Tree Management and Pest Control; Appointment; Notice; Assistants

Section 14 - Reimbursement of Cities and Towns by Commonwealth for Suppression of Public Nuisances; Financial Liability; Accounts and Vouchers

Section 15 - Certified Itemized Statements of Expenditures

Section 16 - Partial Reimbursement of Expenditures for Management of Public Shade Trees; Applications; Limitation of Assistance

Section 25 - Suppression of Foliage-Destroying Pests Within City and Town Limits

Section 26a - Removal and Destruction of Trees Infected With Dutch Elm Disease

Section 26d - County Aid to Cities or Towns in Suppression of Public Nuisances; Certification of Chief Superintendent

Section 26e - Notice of Positive Diagnosis of Dutch Elm Disease; Condemnation of Tree

Section 26f - Positive Diagnosis of Dutch Elm Disease on Trees on Privately Owned Land; Notice; Order of Removal and Destruction; Spraying; Appeal

Section 26g - Removal and Destruction of Infected Trees by Local Superintendent; Cost; Suit; Apportionment of Costs; Abatement of Costs

Section 30 - Forest Fire Observation Towers; Erection and Operation

Section 31 - Control and Management of State Forests; Regulations

Section 32 - Appropriations for Necessary Expenses

Section 34 - Rules and Regulations Relative to Use of State Forests; Enforcement

Section 34a - Sale or Exchange of State Forest Land; Rights of Way or Locations Over or Across State Forests; Telephone, Telegraph, Electric Light and Power Transmission Lines and Pipe Lines for Natural Gas; Revocation of Location; Hearing; Appeal

Section 35 - Acquisition of Land for Forestation by Towns

Section 37 - Duties of Local Forest Wardens

Section 38 - Laying Out, Construction and Maintenance of Trails or Paths in State Forests; Use by Owners of Adjoining Land

Section 38a - Construction and Maintenance of Trails for Certain Uses; Voluntary Services; Payment of Expenses

Section 39 - Contributions by Cities or Towns

Section 40 - Forest Cutting Practices; Declaration of Policy of Commonwealth

Section 41 - State Forestry Committee; Members; Forest Cutting Practices and Guidelines

Section 42 - Notice of Proposed Cutting of Forest Products; Final Work Order; Report to Director; Appeals

Section 43 - Forest Cutting Practices; Failure to Give Notice

Section 44 - Forest Cutting Practices; Exempted Cuttings

Section 45 - Forest Cutting Practices; Cooperation With Other Agencies; Passage Through or Over Private Property

Section 46 - License to Harvest Forest Products

Section 47 - Licensing of Foresters; Definitions Applicable to Secs. 47 to 50

Section 48 - Licensing of Foresters; Violations; Penalty

Section 49 - Licenses of Foresters; Revocation; Suspension; Fees

Section 50 - Forester Licensing Committee; Membership

Section 51 - Forest and Wood Products Institute; Advisory Board