Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 167d - Deposits and Accounts
Section 11 - Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Passbooks

Section 11. When a passbook or other instrument as evidence of a depositor's account issued by any bank has been lost, stolen or destroyed, the person in whose name it was issued, or in the case of a joint account, by the joint owners thereof may make written application to such bank for payment of the amount of the deposit represented by said book or other instrument or for issuance of a duplicate book or other instrument therefor. The application shall include an affidavit signed and sworn to that the person, or persons, making such application is a lawful owner, or are the lawful owners, of said passbook or other instrument, that said passbook or other instrument has been lost, stolen or destroyed and that no lawful owner has, in any way, transferred, pledged or assigned said passbook or other instrument or any interest in the deposits therein. The application shall further include an agreement, in writing, to indemnify the bank from and against any and all claims, expenses and liabilities in any way resulting from the bank's action on the application by the payment of amounts due on said passbook or other instrument or by the issuance of a duplicate book or other instrument therefor. All signatures contained with such application shall be duly notarized. Upon receipt of such application, the bank may pay the amount due on said passbook or other instrument or may issue a duplicate book or other instrument therefor. This section shall apply to passbooks and other instruments issued by a bank which subsequently has merged in, consolidated with or transferred its deposit liabilities to another bank.
When payment is made or a duplicate book or other instrument is issued in accordance with this section and after presentation of reasonable identification, a bank shall not be liable to any person on account of its action on the application, payments of the amount due on said passbook or other instrument or issuance of a duplicate book or other instrument therefor, except that a bank may be liable to a transferee, pledgee or assignee who, prior to such action, payment or issuance, has given the bank written notice of the transfer, pledge or assignment.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 167d - Deposits and Accounts

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Powers

Section 3 - Types of Deposits Which May Be Received by Bank

Section 3a - Savings Promotion Raffles

Section 4 - Limited Access Deposit Accounts

Section 5 - Demand Deposit Account and Savings Account for Persons 18 Years of Age or Under or 65 Years of Age or Older

Section 6 - Fee, Charges or Assessments; Refusal of Payment of Deposited Instruments; Costs for Processing Deposited Instrument

Section 7 - Provision of Cancelled Instruments or Copies Thereof

Section 8 - Collateral or Security for Deposit of Money Received

Section 9 - Deposits From Residential Dwelling Unit Lessor Acting as Trustee for Security Deposits

Section 10 - Deposits From Condominium Manager or Managing Agent Acting as Trustee for Condominium Funds

Section 11 - Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Passbooks

Section 12 - Deposits of Decedents; Payment

Section 13 - Unusual Demand by Depositors for Withdrawals; Notice of Intention to Withdraw Deposit or to Apply for Loan Secured by Deposit

Section 14 - Agreements to Exculpate Bank From Payment of Deposit Account to Person Unlawfully Presenting Evidence of Account

Section 15 - Designation of Beneficiary for Pension, Profit-Sharing, Etc. Plans

Section 16 - Transfer of Funds of Depositor or Shareholder as Consequence of Default of Debt Owed to Bank; Notice

Section 17 - Set Off or Recoupment by Person Indebted to Bank

Section 18 - Multiple Claimants for Deposited Funds

Section 19 - Recognition by Bank of Adverse Claimants to Deposits

Section 20 - Repayment of Deposits Made at Branch Located in Foreign Country Prevented by Acts of War, Impairment of Operation of Civil Authority, Etc.