Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 170 - Co-Operative Banks
Section 11 - By-Laws of Mutual Bank; Notice of Regular and Special Meetings of Shareholders; Meetings of Board of Directors

Section 11. The shareholders of a mutual bank shall make and adopt the necessary by-laws consistent with law for the government of its affairs. The by-laws may provide for matters relative to the business and affairs of the corporation as appropriate to exercise all powers necessary, convenient or incidental to the purposes for which the corporation was formed.
The clerk of the corporation shall give notice of all regular and special meetings of the shareholders by publishing notice thereof, at least 7 days before the meeting, in 1 or more newspapers published in the city or town wherein the main office of the corporation is situated or, if there is no newspaper published therein, then in a newspaper published in a nearby city or town in the same county; and for this purpose a newspaper which by its title page purports to be printed or published in such city, town or county and which has a circulation therein, shall be deemed to have been published therein. Such notice shall state the day, hour and place of the meeting and shall contain a brief statement of the nature of the business to be acted upon, except as may be provided in the by-laws with respect to the removal of officers and directors.
The board of directors shall meet at intervals of not more than 2 months; provided however, that upon application in writing by the corporation, the commissioner may waive or modify this requirement. Unless the articles of incorporation, the by-laws or a resolution of the board otherwise provide, members of the board of directors or any committee designated thereby may participate in a meeting of such board or committee by means of a conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting may simultaneously hear each other and participation by such means shall constitute presence in person at a meeting. Members may transmit any written authorizations that may be required during the meeting by electronic facsimile or other commercially acceptable transmission.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 170 - Co-Operative Banks

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Powers

Section 3 - Change of Corporate Name

Section 4 - Capital Structure Upon Incorporation

Section 5 - Formation of Co-Operative Bank; Powers, Privileges and Duties Related to Corporations; Agreement of Association

Section 6 - Notice of Intention to Form Co-Operative Bank; Application for Certificate

Section 7 - First Meeting of Incorporators

Section 8 - Articles of Organization; Certificate of Incorporation

Section 9 - List of Stockholders; Issuance of Certificate Authorizing Corporation to Begin Transaction of Business

Section 10 - Applicability of Sections to Mutual Banks and to Stock Banks

Section 11 - By-Laws of Mutual Bank; Notice of Regular and Special Meetings of Shareholders; Meetings of Board of Directors

Section 12 - Members; Voting Rights

Section 13 - Board of Directors; Clerk; Directors and Officers; Records of Meetings

Section 14 - Security Committee; Audit Committee

Section 15 - Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer; Duties

Section 16 - Adoption of By-Laws; Regulations Controlling Assignment and Transfer of Shares; Quorum

Section 17 - Stockholder Voting; Votes by Proxy

Section 18 - Board of Directors of Co-Operative Bank; Executive Committee

Section 19 - Election of Officers

Section 20 - Action Without Meeting

Section 21 - Cooperative Banks Employees Retirement Association

Section 22 - By-Laws of Cooperative Banks Employees Retirement Association

Section 23 - Exemption of Cooperative Banks Employees Retirement Association Property and Funds From Taxation, Operation of Law Relating to Insolvency, Attachment and Execution; Assignment of Rights

Section 24 - Co-Operative Banks Employees Benefit Association

Section 25 - By-Laws of Co-Operative Banks Employees Benefit Association

Section 26 - Exemption of Co-Operative Banks Employees Benefit Association Property From Taxation, Operation of Law Relating to Insolvency, Attachment and Execution; Assignment of Rights