Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 161b - Transportation Facilities, Highway Systems and Urban Development Plans
Section 10 - Year With Net Cost of Service; Payment by State; Financing; Notes; Assessments on Cities and Towns Constituting Authority; Year With Excess; Disposition of Funds

Section 10. If as of the last day of June in any year there was any net cost of service, an authority shall notify the state treasurer of the amount of such net cost of service and all other facts required by the treasurer in order to proceed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter to assess such net cost. Upon notification of the amount of such net cost the commonwealth shall pay over to the authority said amount.
The state treasurer may borrow, from time to time, on the credit of the commonwealth such amounts as may be necessary to make payments required of the commonwealth under this section or under section eleven and to pay any interest or other charges incurred in borrowing such money, and may issue notes of the commonwealth therefor, bearing interest payable at such times and at such rates as shall be fixed by him. Such interest and other charges shall be included in the assessments under this chapter in proportion to the respective assessments on the cities and towns constituting the authority for the net cost of service of the period to which any such payment relates. No note issued under this paragraph shall mature more than two years from its date but notes payable earlier may be refunded one or more times, provided that no refunding note shall mature more than two years from the date of the original loan being refunded. Such notes shall be issued for such maximum term of years, not exceeding two years, as the governor may recommend to the general court in accordance with Section three of Article LXII of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth.
Pending any payment from the state treasurer to the authority and at any other time when the authority in the opinion of the administrator has not sufficient cash to make the payments required of it in the course of its duties as such payments become due, the authority may temporarily borrow money and issue notes of the authority therefor.
If at any time any principal or interest is due or about to come due on any note issued by the authority pursuant to this section and funds to pay the same are not available, the administrator shall certify to the state treasurer the amount required to meet the obligation and the commonwealth shall thereupon pay over to the authority that amount. If the commonwealth shall not make the payment within a reasonable time, the authority or any holder of an unpaid note issued by the authority pursuant to this section, acting in the name and on behalf of the authority, shall have the right to require the commonwealth to pay the authority the amount remaining unpaid, which right shall be enforceable as a claim against the commonwealth. The authority or any holder of an unpaid note issued pursuant to this section may file a petition in the superior court to enforce a claim or intervene in any proceeding already commenced to enforce such a claim. Chapter 258 shall apply to the petition insofar as it relates to the enforcement of a claim against the commonwealth. Any holder of an unpaid note who shall have filed such a petition may apply for an order of the court requiring the authority to apply funds received by the authority on its claim against the commonwealth to the payment of the holder's unpaid note, and, if the court finds such amount to be due to the holder, shall issue the order.
All assessments made under this chapter shall be made as provided in section twenty of chapter fifty-nine.
If in any year the income received by the authority, including but not limited to revenues from leasing, advertising, parking, sale of capital assets, gifts and grants, exceeds the expenses incurred by the authority, including but not limited to expenses for wages, contracts for service by others, maintenance, debt service, taxes, rentals, payments to any governmental body and all other costs, the authority shall determine the amount of such excess. Such excess shall be placed in a reserve fund up to such amount as shall be determined by the authority with the approval of the advisory board. Any amount of excess not placed in such reserve fund shall be applied to reimbursing the commonwealth for any amounts which it may have paid under the provisions of this section, and the commonwealth shall thereupon distribute the amounts so received among the cities and towns constituting the authority up to the amounts which they were respectively assessed in the previous fiscal year. All remaining amounts in excess shall be so distributed up to the amounts assessed in each fiscal year immediately preceding, commencing with the most recent such year.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 161b - Transportation Facilities, Highway Systems and Urban Development Plans

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Transit Authorities Authorized; Territories; Powers, Duties and Liabilities

Section 3 - Creation of Regional Transit Authorities; Name; Notice to Governor; Appointment of Administrator; Powers, Duties, etc.; Joinder of Contiguous Territory; Membership in Additional Authority

Section 4 - Administrator; Appointment; Tenure; Salary; Bond

Section 5 - Advisory Board; Members; Vote; Executive Committee; Meetings; Expenses

Section 6 - Powers of Authority

Section 7 - Separate Units of Mass Transportation Facilities and Equipment; Authorization; Unit Lease Arrangements; Financing; Bonds

Section 8 - Limitations, Conditions, Obligations and Duties of Authority

Section 9 - Payment of Net Cost of Service by State; Assessment Upon Cities and Towns in Territory of Transit Authority

Section 9a - Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority; Assessment Upon Member Cities and Towns

Section 10 - Year With Net Cost of Service; Payment by State; Financing; Notes; Assessments on Cities and Towns Constituting Authority; Year With Excess; Disposition of Funds

Section 12 - Audit; Report; Provision of Copies to Committee Chairs

Section 13 - Exemptions From Taxation and License Fees

Section 14 - Establishment of Authorities by Vote of Advisory Board; Nonparticipation by City or Town; Later Joining

Section 15 - City or Town Assessed for Net Cost of Service; Ballot Question Upon Continuation of Membership; Votes

Section 16 - Conflict of Regulatory Powers; Resolution by Department of Telecommunications and Energy

Section 17 - Bonds; Issuance Authorized; Limitations; Terms; Requirements; Conditions; Rules and Regulations for Assistance to Private Companies; Disbursement of Proceeds

Section 18 - Trust Agreement to Secure Bonds

Section 19 - Bonds Issued Under This Chapter; Authorized Investments; Use for Legal Deposits

Section 20 - Rights of Bondholders and Trustee; Enforcement Proceedings

Section 21 - Interest Bearing or Discounted Notes and Bond Anticipation Notes Authorized; Limitations; Disposition of Proceeds; Payment

Section 22 - Federal Assistance

Section 23 - Contract Assistance

Section 24 - Application of Other Laws

Section 25 - Direct Operation of Mass Transportation Service

Section 26 - Stabilization Fund

Section 27 - Regional Transit Authority Council