Section 1. If a tenant in dower, by the curtesy, for life or for years commits or suffers waste on the land so held, the person having the next immediate estate of inheritance may have an action of waste against such tenant to recover the place wasted and the amount of the damage, and such action shall be subject to the provisions of law relative to trial by jury. An heir may bring such action for waste done in the lifetime of his ancestor.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases
Title III - Remedies Relating to Real Property
Chapter 242 - Waste and Trespass
Section 1 - Waste; Persons Entitled to Maintain; Jury Trial
Section 2 - Actions of Tort in Nature of Waste; Persons Entitled to Maintain
Section 3 - Actions in Tort in Nature of Waste; When Maintainable Against Representatives
Section 4 - Triple Damages for Waste; Liability of Co-Tenant
Section 5 - Actions for Triple Damages
Section 6 - Triple Damages for Waste During Pendency of Action for Recovery of Land
Section 7 - Willful Trespass to Trees, etc.; Damages
Section 7a - Agricultural or Horticultural Land; Theft or Destruction; Treble Damages