Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 211d - Committee for Public Counsel Services
Section 1 - Committee for Public Counsel Services; Establishment

Section 1. There shall be a committee for public counsel services, hereinafter referred to as the committee, to plan, oversee, and coordinate the delivery of criminal and certain noncriminal legal services by salaried public counsel, bar advocate and other assigned counsel programs and private attorneys serving on a per case basis. The committee shall consist of 15 persons: 2 of whom shall be appointed by the governor; 2 of whom shall be appointed by the president of the senate; 2 of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; and 9 of whom shall be appointed by the justices of the supreme judicial court, 1 of whom shall have experience as a public defender, 1 of whom shall have experience as a private bar advocate, 1 of whom shall have criminal appellate experience, 1 shall have a background in public administration and public finance, and 1 of whom shall be a current or former dean or faculty member of a law school. The court shall request and give appropriate consideration to nominees for the 9 positions from the Massachusetts Bar Association, county bar associations, the Boston Bar Association and other appropriate bar groups including, but not limited to, the Massachusetts Black Lawyers' Association, Inc., Women's Bar Association of Massachusetts, Inc., and the Massachusetts Association of Women Lawyers, Inc.
All members of the committee shall have a strong commitment to quality representation in indigent defense matters or have significant experience with issues related to indigent defense. The committee shall not include presently serving judges, elected state, county or local officials, district attorneys, state or local law enforcement officials or public defenders employed by the commonwealth. The term of office of each member of the committee shall be 4 years. Members of the committee may be removed for cause by the justices of the supreme judicial court. Vacancies shall be filled by the appointing authority that made the initial appointment to the unexpired term of the appointee within 60 days of the occurrence of the vacancy. An appointee shall continue in office beyond the expiration date of the appointee's term until a successor in office has been appointed and qualified. No member shall receive any compensation for service on the committee, but each member shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in attending the committee meetings.
Chapter 268A shall apply to all members, officers and employees of the committee, except that the committee may provide representation or enter into a contract pursuant to section 3 or section 6, although a member of the committee may have an interest or involvement in any such matter if such interest and involvement is disclosed in advance to the other members of the committee and recorded in the minutes of the committee; provided, however, that no member having an interest or involvement in any contract under section 3 may participate in any particular matter, as defined in section 1 of chapter 268A, relating to such contract.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases

Title I - Courts and Judicial Officers

Chapter 211d - Committee for Public Counsel Services

Section 1 - Committee for Public Counsel Services; Establishment

Section 2 - Indigency; Definition, Standards and Procedures for Determination

Section 2a - Verification of Claim of Indigency; Waiver by Claimant Allowing Access to Information; Reassessments Following Appointment of Counsel; Reporting

Section 2b - Appointment of Counsel for Criminal Defendant Charged With Misdemeanor or Municipal Ordinance or Bylaw Violation

Section 3 - Accepting of Gifts, Grants or Contributions; Contracts

Section 4 - Rules and Regulations; Annual Report; Training; Rotating Appointment Mechanism

Section 5 - Appointment or Assignment of Counsel

Section 6 - Public Defender and Private Counsel Divisions; Duties

Section 6a - Establishment of Children and Family Law Program; Utilization of Certified Private Counsel

Section 6b - Payment of Counsel

Section 8 - Assignment of Case of Indigent Accused of Murder

Section 9 - Division Standards

Section 10 - Committee Monitoring of Standards Compliance; Review of Client Complaints

Section 11 - Compensation Rates; Limitation on Annual Billable Hours Payable; Limitation on New Appointments

Section 12 - Private Counsel Compensation; Audit and Oversight Department; Submission of Invoices for Payment

Section 13 - Chief Counsel; Deputies; Staff; Compensation

Section 15 - Community Advisory Board; Roxbury Community; Consultation

Section 16 - Appointment of Counsel; Sex Offender Registry Classification System