Massachusetts General Laws
Title XV - Regulation of Trade
Chapter 107a - Assignments of Accounts Receivable

[Repealed, 1957, 765, Sec. 2.]

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XV - Regulation of Trade

Chapter 93 - Regulation of Trade and Certain Enterprises

Chapter 93a - Regulation of Business Practices for Consumers Protection

Chapter 93b - Regulation of Business Practices Between Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, Distributors and Dealers

Chapter 93c - Protection of Consumers Against Careless and Erroneous Billings

Chapter 93d - Control of Outdoor Advertising Adjacent to the Interstate and Primary Highway Systems

Chapter 93e - Regulation of Dealers' Agreements for the Sale of Gasoline

Chapter 93f - Regulation of Certain Business Practices Between Motion Picture Distributors and Exhibitors

Chapter 93g - Equipment Dealers

Chapter 93h - Security Breaches

Chapter 93i - Dispositions and Destruction of Records

Chapter 93j - Protection of Owners and Businesses in the Repairing of Motor Vehicles

Chapter 93k - Automotive Repair

Chapter 93l - Student Loan Servicers

Chapter 94 - Inspection and Sale of Food, Drugs and Various Articles

Chapter 94a - Milk Control

Chapter 94b - Hazardous Substances

Chapter 94c - Controlled Substances Act

Chapter 94d - Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research Act

Chapter 94e - Provisions Concerning Certain Tobacco Manufacturers

Chapter 94f - Complementary Provisions Concerning Tobacco Product Manufacturers

Chapter 94g - Regulation of the Use and Distribution of Marijuana Not Medically Prescribed

Chapter 94h - Drug Stewardship Program

Chapter 94i - Medical Use of Marijuana

Chapter 95 - Measuring of Leather

Chapter 96 - Measurement of Lumber

Chapter 97 - Surveying of Land

Chapter 98 - Weights and Measures

Chapter 99 - The Metric System of Weights and Measures

Chapter 100 - Auctioneers

Chapter 100a - Motor Vehicle Damage Repair Shops

Chapter 101 - Transient Vendors, Hawkers and Pedlers

Chapter 102 - Shipping and Seamen, Harbors and Harbor Masters

Chapter 103 - Pilots

Chapter 104 - Agents, Consignees and Factors

Chapter 104a - Consignment of Fine Art

Chapter 105 - Public Warehouses

Chapter 105a - Self-Service Storage Facilities

Chapter 106 - Uniform Commercial Code

Chapter 107 - Money and Registration, Issuance and Redemption of Bonds and Other Securities, Facsimile Signatures

Chapter 107a - Assignments of Accounts Receivable

Chapter 108 - Criminal Offences Relative to Bills of Lading

Chapter 108a - Partnerships

Chapter 109 - Limited Partnership

Chapter 109a - Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act

Chapter 110 - Labels, Trade Marks, Names and Registration Thereof

Chapter 110a - Uniform Securities Act

Chapter 110b - Registration and Protection of Trademarks

Chapter 110c - Regulation of Take-Over Bids in the Acquisition of Corporations

Chapter 110d - Regulation of Control Share Acquisitions

Chapter 110e - Regulation of Control Share Acquisitions of Foreign Corporations

Chapter 110f - Business Combinations With Interested Shareholders

Chapter 110g - Uniform Electronic Transactions

Chapter 110h - Registration and Protection of Trademarks