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Section 3-501 - Definitions - (a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings...
Section 3-502 - Purpose of Subtitle - The purpose of this subtitle is to authorize the Department...
Section 3-503 - Bonds Authorized - (a) Subject to the limitations of this subtitle, the Department...
Section 3-504 - Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Bonds; Postponement of Time for Receipt of Proposals; Execution of Bonds - (a) A resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds under this...
Section 3-505 - Bonds Are Investment Securities - Notwithstanding any other provision of law or any recitals in...
Section 3-506 - Exemption From 8-206 and 8-208 of State Finance and Procurement Article - Bonds issued under this subtitle and their issuance and sale...
Section 3-507 - Interim Certificates and Temporary Bonds - Before the preparation of definitive bonds, the Department may issue...
Section 3-508 - Bond Anticipation Notes - (a) The Department may issue bond anticipation notes under this...
Section 3-509 - Exemption From Taxation - Bonds issued under this subtitle, their transfer, the interest payable...
Section 3-510 - Bonds Authorized by Trust Agreements - (a) Bonds under this subtitle may be authorized by trust...
Section 3-511 - Consent of Instrumentality, Agency, or Unit of State Not Required - The Department may issue bonds under this subtitle: (1) Without...
Section 3-512 - Provisions for Payment of Bonds - (a) The bonds shall be payable solely from the revenues...
Section 3-513 - Bonds Not Debt of State or Department; Full Faith and Credit Not Pledged; Obligation of Participating Counties - (a) Bonds issued under this subtitle are not debt of...
Section 3-514 - Participation of Counties - (a) Subject to § 3-515 of this subtitle, the Department...
Section 3-515 - Determination of Amount; Subsequent Procedure - (a) After notification by the county, the Department shall determine...
Section 3-516 - Requirements for Participation of Counties - (a) Counties which can demonstrate an ability to pay their...
Section 3-517 - Agreement Between Department and County - (a) Before it sells any bonds under this subtitle, the...
Section 3-518 - Borrowing of Proceeds; Agreements to Participate in Bond Issue; Payment Obligations - (a) Counties may borrow the proceeds of bonds issued under...
Section 3-519 - Revenue Refunding Bonds - (a) The Department may from time to time issue revenue...