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Section 15-101 - Impersonating Another in Examination - A person may not impersonate another in an examination held...
Section 15-102 - Interference With Examination Rights of Others - A person may not: (1) willfully deceive another about the...
Section 15-103 - Falsifying Examination Grade, Result, or Standing - A person may not willfully falsify: (1) an answer on...
Section 15-104 - Deception by Applicant - An applicant for employment may not act deceptively in order...
Section 15-105 - Giving Special Information to Affect Rating for Appointment - A person may not willfully give to an individual any...
Section 15-106 - Use of Influence to Secure Appointment - A person may not use or promise to use the...
Section 15-107 - Threats or Coercion - An employee or public official of this State may not...
Section 15-108 - Assisting Another to Commit Prohibited Act - A person may not willfully assist another to commit an...