Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Commission on African American History and Culture
Section 9.5-407 - Powers and Duties

(a)    The Commission shall:
        (1)    initiate, direct, and coordinate projects that further the understanding of African American history and culture;
        (2)    receive and administer any available federal, State, or private money to plan and execute projects or educational activities that further the understanding of African American history and culture;
        (3)    operate the Banneker–Douglass Museum in Annapolis to house and display photographs, objects, oral history tapes, artifacts, and other materials of African American historic and cultural significance;
        (4)    locate, preserve, and disseminate to the public information about significant buildings and sites relating to African American history and culture; and
        (5)    publish an annual report and any other material that the Commission considers necessary.
    (b)    The Commission may provide operational funding to a museum that specializes in African American history and culture.