Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Established
Section 9.5-102 - Legislative Intent; State Policy

(a)    The General Assembly declares that:
        (1)    Minor children are not capable of protecting themselves; and
        (2)    When a parent has relinquished the care of the parent’s minor child to others, there is a possibility of certain risks to the child that require compensating measures.
    (b)    It is the policy of the State:
        (1)    To protect minor children whose care has been relinquished to others by the child’s parent;
        (2)    To resolve doubts in favor of the child when there is a conflict between the interests of a minor child and the interests of an adult; and
        (3)    To encourage the development of child care services for minor children in a safe, healthy, and home–like environment.