Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 10 - Patricia H. Kirwan Family Support Services
Section 9.5-1003 - Services Provided by Center -- Other Possible Approved Services

(a)    A center shall provide services including:
        (1)    Parental skills training, parent education classes, and other related activities;
        (2)    Health care counseling;
        (3)    Diagnostic and assessment services to identify a child’s potential developmental disabilities;
        (4)    Child care for parents while parents are participating in center–based services;
        (5)    Peer support activities, including recreational and social activities;
        (6)    Educational services such as GED and postsecondary credentials; and
        (7)    Pre–employment counseling and skill development to assist the parent in securing and maintaining employment.
    (b)    A center shall provide services to a child and the child’s parents, grandparents, and other family members to the extent possible.
    (c)    A center may provide other services if approved by the Intermediary.