Maryland Statutes
Part III - Assessments, Rates, and Charges by Political Subdivisions for Water and Sewerage Service
Section 9-722 - Connection Charges; Annual Assessment; Controlling Provisions

(a)    To provide funds for the payment of principal and interest on indebtedness that is incurred to finance any water or sewerage system, a political subdivision may:
        (1)    Establish a reasonable charge that is not less than the actual cost, payable to the political subdivision, for connection with a water or sewerage system; and
        (2)    Set an annual assessment, payable to the political subdivision, on all property, improved or unimproved, that abuts on any street, road, lane, alley, or right-of-way in which there is a water main or sewer.
    (b)    Except for special provisions that apply only in certain political subdivisions, the provisions of §§ 9-655 through 9-658 of this title govern the imposition of assessments under this section.