Maryland Statutes
Part VI - Water Pollution Control Fund
Section 9-344.1 - Right to Intervene in Civil Actions Involving Water Pollution Control -- Same Rights as Interested Person or Aggrieved Party

(a)    Subject to subsection (b) of this section, a person who meets the threshold standing requirements under the federal Clean Water Act has an unconditional right and the authority to intervene in a civil action that the State initiates in State court to require compliance with:
        (1)    This subtitle;
        (2)    Regulations adopted by the Department in accordance with this subtitle; or
        (3)    Any discharge permit, effluent limitation, or order issued by the Department in accordance with this subtitle.
    (b)    A person shall exercise the right to intervene under subsection (a) of this section in accordance with the applicable practices, procedures, and laws in the State.
    (c)    A person who meets the requirements to intervene under subsection (a) of this section has the same rights as an interested person or aggrieved party under the federal Clean Water Act, including the right to apply for judicial appeal.