Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Maryland Railroad Companies
Section 9-305 - Crossings -- Other Railroads

(a)    (1)    Whenever necessary in the construction of a railroad, a Maryland railroad company may cross the tracks of another railroad company.
        (2)    Crossings may be made at, over, or under grade.
    (b)    If a Maryland railroad company is unable to agree on the terms for a crossing with the railroad company whose track is to be crossed, then the Maryland railroad company may condemn the easement of the crossing under § 5-405 of this article.
    (c)    (1)    A Maryland railroad company that constructs a crossing at grade shall:
            (i)    at its own expense, erect a proper signal station at the crossing and keep a watchman there; and
            (ii)    give precedence to the trains of the railroad company whose tracks are crossed.
        (2)    A Maryland railroad company that constructs an undergrade or overgrade crossing shall construct the crossing so as not to interfere with the passage of the trains of the railroad company whose tracks are being crossed.