(a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
(2) (i) “Infectious waste” means any waste that comes from a hospital, laboratory, or other health care facility as defined in § 19-114 of the Health - General Article and that is known or suspected to be contaminated with organisms capable of producing disease or infection in humans.
(ii) “Infectious waste” includes:
1. Contaminated disposable equipment, instruments, and utensils;
2. Contaminated needles, scalpels, and razor blades;
3. Human tissues and organs that result from surgery, obstetrics, or autopsy;
4. Feces, urine, vomitus, and suctionings;
5. Live vaccines for human use;
6. Blood and blood products; and
7. Laboratory specimens, such as tissues, blood elements, excreta, and secretions.
(b) A hospital, laboratory, or other health care facility as defined in § 19-114 of the Health - General Article may not dispose of infectious waste, or cause infectious waste to be disposed of, in a landfill system in this State.
(c) The Secretary is responsible with law enforcement personnel in this State for monitoring and enforcing subsection (b) of this section.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Title 9 - Water, Ice, and Sanitary Facilities
Subtitle 2 - Regulation by State
Part II - Water Supply Systems, Sewerage Systems, and Refuse Disposal Systems
Section 9-204.1 - Installing, Altering, or Extending Incinerators
Section 9-204.2 - Installing, Altering, or Extending Landfill Systems
Section 9-206 - Water Supply Systems and Sewerage Systems for Subdivisions
Section 9-208 - Secretary to Advise Persons and Businesses
Section 9-209 - Landfill Systems -- Hearings
Section 9-210 - Landfill Systems -- Prerequisites for Issuance of Permit
Section 9-211 - Landfills, Incinerators, and Transfer Stations; Requirements for Security
Section 9-212 - Landfill Systems -- Option to Purchase
Section 9-212.1 - Landfill Systems -- Denial of Permit to Nongovernmental Person
Section 9-213 - Landfill Systems -- Term of Permit
Section 9-214 - Landfill Systems -- Revoking or Refusing to Renew Permit
Section 9-215 - Landfill Systems -- Closing and Covering When Operations End
Section 9-217 - Testing and Evaluating Lots for On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems
Section 9-218 - Sanitary Facilities Fund; Funding of Planning
Section 9-224 - Waste Disposal at and Water Pollution From Industrial Establishments
Section 9-225 - Landfill Near Hospital Prohibited
Section 9-226 - Certificate of Public Necessity Required for Hazardous Waste Landfill System
Section 9-227 - Infectious Waste in Landfill System Prohibited
Section 9-228 - Scrap Tires -- Storage, Recycling, and Disposal