Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 22 - Expanded Polystyrene
Section 9-2206 - Enforcement; Penalty; Written Notice; Notification of Violation

(a)    A unit of county government shall enforce § 9–2203 of this subtitle.
    (b)    Subject to subsection (c) of this section, a county may impose a penalty not exceeding $250 on:
        (1)    A person who violates § 9–2203(a) of this subtitle; or
        (2)    A food service business that violates § 9–2203(b) of this subtitle.
    (c)    A penalty may not be imposed under this section unless:
        (1)    The unit of county government first issues a written notice of violation to the person or the food service business; and
        (2)    The violation is not corrected within 3 months of receipt of the written notice.
    (d)    A unit of county government shall notify the Department of any violation of § 9–2203 of this subtitle.