Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 19 - Toxics in Packaging
Section 9-1904 - Conditional Exemption

(a)    A manufacturer or distributor of a package or packaging component may submit to the Department an application for a conditional exemption from the provisions of this subtitle.
    (b)    On the written application of a manufacturer or distributor, the Department may grant a conditional exemption if the Department finds that:
        (1)    In order to comply with a health or safety requirement of federal law, lead, cadmium, mercury, or hexavalent chromium have been added to the package or packaging component in the manufacturing, forming, printing, or distribution process; or
        (2)    The regulated substance is essential to the protection, safe handling, or function of the package contents.
    (c)    A conditional exemption granted under this section:
        (1)    Expires 2 years after the date the Department grants the exemption; and
        (2)    If the manufacturer or distributor meets the criteria under subsection (b) of this section, may be renewed for additional periods of 2 years.