Maryland Statutes
Part I - General Administration
Section 9-1702.1 - Office to Develop Marketing Opportunities Regarding Recycled Materials and Products -- Annual Report on Activities -- Coordination With Certain Entities

(a)    In accordance with subsection (c) of this section and to carry out the requirements of § 9–1702(d)(5) of this subtitle, the Office shall:
        (1)    (i)    Evaluate the availability of local, national, and international markets for recycled materials and recycled products;
            (ii)    Make recommendations to improve markets for recycled materials and recycled products in the State, including measures for reducing contamination of recyclable materials;
            (iii)    Identify the recyclable materials representing the largest portion of the recycling waste stream; and
            (iv)    1.    Identify the recyclable materials that are in need of recycling assistance; and
                2.    Identify the methods for collecting and processing, and marketing opportunities for, recyclable materials that are in need of recycling assistance;
        (2)    Identify businesses in the State that use recycled materials, including businesses that reuse, repair, and remanufacture recycled materials;
        (3)    Identify opportunities for businesses in the State to increase their use of recycled materials;
        (4)    Provide resources to businesses to match sources of recycled materials with potential users;
        (5)    Examine businesses that have closed in the State for the potential for reopening to use recycled materials;
        (6)    Examine opportunities for the co–location of businesses that use, reuse, repair, and remanufacture recycled materials;
        (7)    (i)    Examine existing funding mechanisms for recycling market development; and
            (ii)    Determine whether additional funding mechanisms are necessary to expand recycling markets in the State;
        (8)    Establish and promote the “Maryland is Open for Recycling Business” campaign to attract new businesses to the State; and
        (9)    Provide advisory and technical services to support the development of markets for recycled materials and recycled products in the State.
    (b)    On or before September 1, 2022, and each September 1 thereafter, the annual Maryland solid waste management and diversion report required under § 9–204(n) of this title shall include the activities conducted under this section.
    (c)    The Office shall coordinate activities conducted under this section with the Department of Commerce, the Department of General Services, the Department of Transportation, the Maryland Environmental Service, the Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority, local governments, and private organizations.