Maryland Statutes
Part I - Licensing Conditions
Section 9-1603 - Location Restriction for Certain Class A, Class B, and Class D Licenses

(a)    This section applies to:
        (1)    Class A beer licenses, beer and light wine licenses, and beer, wine, and liquor licenses;
        (2)    Class B beer licenses, beer and light wine licenses, and beer, wine, and liquor licenses; and
        (3)    Class D beer, wine, and liquor licenses.
    (b)    Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, the Board may not issue a license specified in subsection (a) of this section to a person whose establishment is outside:
        (1)    a municipality; or
        (2)    a community with at least 500 residents in a 1–mile radius.
    (c)    Subject to subsection (d) of this section, the prohibition against issuing a license in subsection (b) of this section does not apply to:
        (1)    a restaurant that derives more than 50% of its average monthly gross receipts from sales other than alcoholic beverages; or
        (2)    a hotel or motel that has at least 20 rooms regularly for hire and that offers meals for sale as a regular and substantial part of its business.
    (d)    A license issued under subsection (c) of this section may not be reissued, renewed, or transferred if the license holder fails to continue to comply with the requirements of this section.