Maryland Statutes
Title 9 - Maryland Public Charter School Program
Section 9-106 - Public Charter School -- Obligations and Waiver

(a)    Subject to subsection (b) of this section, a public charter school shall comply with the provisions of law and regulation governing other public schools.
    (b)    Subject to subsection (d) of this section, a public charter school may seek a waiver of the requirements under subsection (a) of this section from:
        (1)    A county board for policies that are the policies of the county board; and
        (2)    The State Board for policies that are the policies of the State Board.
    (c)    If a waiver is denied under this section, the county board or the State Board, as appropriate, shall provide the reason for the denial in writing to the public charter school.
    (d)    A waiver may not be granted from provisions of law or regulation relating to:
        (1)    Audit requirements;
        (2)    The measurement of student academic achievement, including all assessments required for other public schools and other assessments mutually agreed upon by the public chartering authority and the school; or
        (3)    The health, safety, or civil rights of a student or an employee of the public charter school.