Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 6B - Electrologists
Section 8-6B-06 - Miscellaneous Powers and Duties

In addition to the powers set forth elsewhere in this subtitle, the Committee shall:
        (1)    Make recommendations to the Board regarding regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this subtitle;
        (2)    Make recommendations to the Board regarding a code of ethics for the practice of electrology;
        (3)    Make recommendations to the Board regarding the requirements for licensure as an electrologist or an electrology instructor;
        (4)    Review applications for licensure as an electrologist or electrology instructor and make recommendations to the Board;
        (5)    Maintain a list of all currently licensed electrologists and electrology instructors;
        (6)    Make recommendations to the Board regarding continuing education requirements for electrologists;
        (7)    At the request of the Board, investigate complaints against licensed electrologists;
        (8)    Review electrology education programs both in the State and out of state in accordance with § 8–6B–16 of this subtitle to determine compliance with the standards of that section and make recommendations to the Board regarding approval or disapproval of these programs;
        (9)    Review advertising by licensed electrologists and by institutions that offer an electrology program and make recommendations to the Board, as necessary;
        (10)    At the request of the Board, after the Board has received a written and signed complaint, including a referral from the Commissioner of Labor and Industry, conduct an unannounced inspection of the office of an electrologist, other than an office of an electrologist in a hospital, related institution, freestanding medical facility, or a freestanding birthing center, to determine compliance at that office with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines on universal precautions and make recommendations to the Board, as necessary;
        (11)    At the request of the Board, after the Board has received notice that an electrologist has opened an office, after notifying the electrologist, conduct an inspection of the office to determine compliance with the Board’s regulations relating to the minimum requirements for an office and make recommendations to the Board, as necessary;
        (12)    Advise the Board on matters relating to the practice of electrology;
        (13)    Keep a record of its proceedings; and
        (14)    Submit an annual report to the Board.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Health Occupations

Title 8 - Nurses

Subtitle 6B - Electrologists

Section 8-6B-01 - Definitions

Section 8-6B-02 - Scope of Subtitle

Section 8-6B-03 - Regulations

Section 8-6B-04 - Fees

Section 8-6B-05 - Electrology Practice Committee

Section 8-6B-06 - Miscellaneous Powers and Duties

Section 8-6B-07 - License Required; Exception

Section 8-6B-08 - Qualifications of Applicants

Section 8-6B-09 - Applications for License

Section 8-6B-10 - Examinations

Section 8-6B-11 - Waiver of Examination Requirements -- Out-of-State Licenses

Section 8-6B-12 - Issuance and Contents of License; Criminal History Record Information

Section 8-6B-13 - Scope of License

Section 8-6B-14 - Term and Renewal of License; Continuing Education; Inactive Status; Reinstatement of Expired License; Criminal History Record Information

Section 8-6B-15 - Surrender of License

Section 8-6B-16 - Electrology Education Program

Section 8-6B-17 - Withdrawal of Approval

Section 8-6B-18 - Denials, Reprimands, Suspensions, and Revocations

Section 8-6B-19 - Hearings for Actions Under 8-6b-17 or 8-6b-18

Section 8-6B-20 - Penalty Instead of Suspension or in Addition to Suspension or Revocation

Section 8-6B-21 - Review

Section 8-6B-22 - Reinstatement of Suspended or Revoked Licenses

Section 8-6B-23 - Mispresentation; Advertising; Use of Titles

Section 8-6B-24 - Instruments and Procedures

Section 8-6B-27 - Penalties

Section 8-6B-28 - Short Title

Section 8-6B-29 - Authority of Board

Section 8-6B-30 - Termination of Subtitle