Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Administration
Section 8-303 - Division of Workforce Development

(a)    (1)    “Public employment office” means an employment office that does not charge a fee to provide services and is:
            (i)    operated by the Department; or
            (ii)    maintained as part of a local, State, or federal system of employment offices.
        (2)    “Public employment office” includes a branch public employment office.
    (b)    The General Assembly accepts the provisions of the Wagner–Peyser Act for establishment of a national employment system and for cooperation in promotion of the system in conformity with § 4 of the Act.
    (c)    The Division of Workforce Development, established under § 11–102 of this article, is the unit of the State designated to carry out § 4 of the Wagner–Peyser Act.
    (d)    The Secretary shall employ a staff for the Division of Workforce Development in accordance with § 8–304 of this subtitle and regulations adopted by the United States Secretary of Labor.
    (e)    As necessary for administration of this title, the Division of Workforce Development shall establish and maintain public employment offices that do not charge a fee to individuals who seek employment.
    (f)    To establish and maintain public employment offices, the Secretary:
        (1)    may enter into an agreement with the Railroad Retirement Board or any other federal unit that is responsible for administration of an unemployment insurance law, a political subdivision of the State, or any private nonprofit organization; and
        (2)    as part of the agreement, may accept money, services, or office space as a contribution to the Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund.
    (g)    Money in the Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund that the State receives under the Wagner–Peyser Act is available to the Division of Workforce Development for use under this section in accordance with that Act.