Maryland Statutes
Part II - Electric Industry Restructuring Enabled
Section 7-508 - Transfer of Assets

(a)    An electric company may transfer any of its generation facilities or generation assets to an affiliate.
    (b)    The transfer of a generation facility or generation asset to an affiliate may not affect or restrict the Commission’s determination of the value of a generation asset for purposes of transition costs or benefits under § 7-513(b) of this subtitle.
    (c)    (1)    This subsection is in effect until the later of the date when:
            (i)    all customers of the electric company are eligible for customer choice under § 7-510 of this subtitle; and
            (ii)    the amount of transition costs or benefits arising from the generation to be transferred has been finally determined by the Commission under § 7-513(a) through (c) of this subtitle.
        (2)    The Commission may review and approve the transfer for the sole purpose of determining:
            (i)    that the appropriate accounting has been followed;
            (ii)    that the transfer does not or would not result in an undue adverse effect on the proper functioning of a competitive electricity supply market; and
            (iii)    the appropriate transfer price and rate making treatment.
        (3)    The Commission shall act on the transfer of a generation facility or generation asset under this subsection within 180 days after the electric company files its proposed transfer application and any required supporting information.