Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Provision of Services
Section 7-406 - Hearings

(a)    The Secretary shall provide notice and an opportunity for a Medicaid fair hearing in accordance with Title 10, Subtitle 2 of the State Government Article and federal Medicaid law to:
        (1)    An applicant for Administration Medicaid waiver services who is denied eligibility for the services;
        (2)    An applicant for Administration Medicaid waiver services who contests the priority category assigned to the applicant for the services; and
        (3)    A recipient of Administration Medicaid waiver services:
            (i)    Whose claim for Administration Medicaid waiver services is denied or is not acted on with reasonable promptness; or
            (ii)    Who believes the Administration has taken an action erroneously.
    (b)    (1)    Except as provided in subsection (a) of this section, an applicant for services or a recipient of services under this title may:
            (i)    Request an informal hearing before the Secretary’s designee on any action or inaction of the Secretary made under this title; and
            (ii)    Request the Secretary to review the decision of the informal hearing.
        (2)    After the Secretary receives a request for a review, the Secretary shall conduct the review in accordance with Title 10, Subtitle 2 of the State Government Article.