Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Licensing
Section 7-308 - Denials, Suspensions, and Revocations -- Grounds

Subject to the hearing provisions of § 7–309 of this subtitle, the Commissioner may deny a license to any applicant or suspend or revoke a license if the applicant or licensee:
        (1)    fraudulently or deceptively obtains or attempts to obtain a license for the applicant or licensee or for another;
        (2)    fraudulently or deceptively uses a license;
        (3)    knowingly makes any misrepresentation in the application;
        (4)    is not the real party in interest in the application for a license and the real party in interest:
            (i)    has been refused a license;
            (ii)    has had a license suspended or revoked; or
            (iii)    otherwise fails to qualify under this section for a license;
        (5)    fails to comply with any provision of this title;
        (6)    fails to comply with any regulation that the Commissioner adopts;
        (7)    fails to comply with an order that the Commissioner passes;
        (8)    fails to satisfy a judgment that the Commissioner obtains under this title;
        (9)    knowingly gives a migrant agricultural worker who is recruited or hired false or misleading information about the existence or conditions of employment;
        (10)    fails, without just cause, to comply with any agreement or arrangement with an agricultural operation or with a migrant agricultural worker;
        (11)    is found by the Secretary of Health to have violated a regulation of the Secretary on housing, sanitation, or safety for migrant agricultural workers;
        (12)    has had a farm labor contractor registration certificate suspended or revoked by the United States Department of Labor or by another state for a reason that would justify suspension or revocation of a license in this State;
        (13)    has been convicted of a felony under a law of the State or under federal law; or
        (14)    during the past 5 years, has been convicted of a misdemeanor in connection with performing a farm labor contracting service if the misdemeanor relates to:
            (i)    gambling;
            (ii)    sale, distribution, or possession of an alcoholic beverage; or
            (iii)    sale, distribution, or possession of a controlled dangerous substance.