Maryland Statutes
Part VI - Controlled Hazardous Substance Facility Permit
Section 7-233 - Issuance of Low-Level Nuclear Waste Facility Permit

The Department may not issue a low-level nuclear waste facility permit to a person unless:
        (1)    The person meets the requirements of this subtitle for a low-level nuclear waste facility permit; and
        (2)    (i)    The low-level nuclear waste facility permit conforms to any interstate low-level nuclear waste disposal compact of which this State is a member;
            (ii)    The Governor issues an executive order under § 7-234 of this subtitle; or
            (iii)    The Department determines under standards set by its rules or regulations that:
                1.    The half-life or specific activity of the low-level nuclear waste is such that within a period of not more than 6 months, the low-level nuclear waste will not require special handling, special subsurface disposal, or special storage; and
                2.    The low-level nuclear waste can be disposed of in the same manner as other hazardous substances or handled as conventional waste.