Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1A - Publicly Funded Full-Day Prekindergarten Program
Section 7-1A-05 - Memorandum of Understanding With Private or Public Prekindergarten Providers -- Provisions

(a)    (1)    Each county board shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Department, each eligible private provider participating in publicly funded prekindergarten in the county, and other applicable government agencies.
        (2)    Before executing a memorandum of understanding under this section, each county board shall submit an implementation plan of the proposed memorandum of understanding to the Accountability and Implementation Board in accordance with § 5–404 of this article.
    (b)    The memorandum of understanding shall provide for:
        (1)    Services for children with disabilities;
        (2)    A process by which a parent is able to indicate a preference for eligible prekindergarten providers;
        (3)    The manner for processing the payment of the State share, local share, and family share for each child who is enrolled with an eligible prekindergarten provider;
        (4)    Any agreed upon administrative costs to be retained by an agency that is party to the agreement;
        (5)    The manner in which the parties will meet the requirements of this subtitle;
        (6)    A plan to address racial and socioeconomic integration in prekindergarten classrooms; and
        (7)    Any other provisions necessary to carry out this subtitle.
    (c)    A memorandum of understanding under this section shall seek to avoid, to the extent practicable, a disproportionate concentration of students of the same race, ethnicity, disability status, and income within an eligible provider.