Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 8 - Public School Labor Relations Board
Section 6-806 - Administration and Enforcement; Regulations and Recommendations

(a)    (1)    The Board shall administer and enforce the provisions of Subtitles 4 and 5 of this title.
        (2)    In connection with the administration and enforcement of Subtitles 4 and 5 of this title:
            (i)    References to written communications, such as letters and notices, shall include electronic communications, unless otherwise indicated by the Board; and
            (ii)    The Board may extend the time limits set forth in Subtitles 4 and 5 of this title for good cause shown.
        (3)    (i)    Unless a court has issued a stay, a party subject to an order of the Board shall comply with the order without the need for judicial enforcement.
            (ii)    At the request of the Board, a court may:
                1.    Grant injunctive relief to enforce compliance with an order of the Board; and
                2.    Grant any other remedy the court deems appropriate.
    (b)    The Board may:
        (1)    Adopt regulations, guidelines, and policies to carry out the rights and responsibilities of the Board under this title; and
        (2)    Make recommendations for legislative action regarding the operation of this title.