For purposes of prosecution under this subtitle, a unit in a building or structure that is divided into separately owned or leased units may not be considered a separate dwelling or storehouse unless it is objectively apparent that each unit constitutes a separate dwelling or storehouse.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Title 6 - Crimes Against Property
Subtitle 2 - Burglary and Related Crimes
Section 6-202 - Burglary in the First Degree
Section 6-203 - Burglary in the Second Degree
Section 6-204 - Burglary in the Third Degree
Section 6-205 - Burglary in the Fourth Degree
Section 6-206 - Breaking and Entering Motor Vehicle -- Rogue and Vagabond
Section 6-207 - Burglary With Destructive Device
Section 6-208 - Breaking and Entering a Research Facility
Section 6-209 - Separate Units -- Separate Violations