Placing or distributing a flammable, explosive, or combustible material or device in or near a structure or personal property in preparation for burning the structure or property is an attempt to burn the structure or property.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Title 6 - Crimes Against Property
Subtitle 1 - Arson and Burning
Section 6-102 - Arson in the First Degree
Section 6-103 - Arson in the Second Degree
Section 6-104 - Malicious Burning of Personal Property in the First Degree
Section 6-105 - Malicious Burning of Personal Property in the Second Degree
Section 6-106 - Burning With Intent to Defraud
Section 6-107 - Threat of Arson
Section 6-108 - Burning Trash Container
Section 6-109 - Attempt to Burn Structure or Property